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I got up a little early as whatever Kyu was wearing was bothering my left leg. Did some yoga and watch the sunrise, I went to get the Fairy some food.

I was close to the food till Wayne ran up to me with Lola staying behind him, already not in the mood.

Wayne: Mr. Nicky, good morning sir. I know you and Lola aren't on the best of terms. But I wouldn't ask anyone I trust than a friend of Ricky.

(Con't) Lola has some luggage that was left at the airport. She wants to get it herself, but I don't want her to go alone. I would go, unfortunately I got to go to this important board meeting. Will you go with her?

Lola: Hell no! I'll be in danger with this hornbag.

"Sorry Wayne. Lola can handle herself. She can slap the skin off a person."

Wayne: Nicky, please. You don't have to talk to her or anything. Just join her, make sure she's safe and come back. That's it.

Lola: Hunny, I really don't need him of all people.

Wayne: Sweetheart, I don't anything to happen to you.

The couple continue to bicker on. I would help Wayne out, but Lola may end me.

"I'll go! I'll go! I won't bother Lola. Get her stuff, leave, and be back before you can say Doctor Who."

Wayne: You watch Doctor Who?

"Yeah, man. I would say you look like the 10th Doctor. He's my favorite."

Wayne: I was more of a 11th guy

Lola: Oh my god, my ex and current man getting along. I'm going!

I stayed behind her to keep my distance away but keep my eye on here. We got an Uber to the airport and went inside. She went to her airline company and got her stuff.

As we were making our way out...Lola had stop.

Lola: Hmmm, I swear there was a little coffee somewhere here. Oh shit. It may be on the other side of security.

"We could go back to hotel and get some there."

Lola: You said you wasn't going to bother me!

"And I also said we get your stuff and be back."

Lola: I be damned if I'm going to let you come between me and my coffee. Anyway, I'll just slip through the staff entrance. In and out.

A quick in and out. Just want to get out before the awkwardness gets any worse.

Just in time as the Stewardess went Metal Gear, she was spotted by a female security guard.

Just in time as the Stewardess went Metal Gear, she was spotted by a female security guard

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Loser's Guide II: Trouble in Paradise (Huniepop 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now