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Tiffany sat down on her couch, airpods in her ears with her books and a tray of veggies near by as she had to study for her exams.

Momo laid on the chair on the other side of Tiff's couch. The Future Nurse couldn't help but look at Nicky's Roommate. She never gets tired of wearing her costume.

Touching Momo's ears, it was like touching an exactly cat's ear. She put in a lot of work into it.

Returning her blue eyes to her books, the banging of door scared the two ladies. Looking at the time on the clock, it was midnight.

Tiffany: Who could it be?

Through the peephole, there was an Officer waiting by. Unlocking her door, she was bum rushed by the Officer back inside her room.

Covering the College Student's mouth, he closed the door and pin her to the wall. Momo didn't know what to do.

The guy's skin started to change from a tanned white to blue. Tiffany couldn't believe what happening right in front of her eyes.

The person...turn into some sort of alien. Whatever it was, it pulled a gun out and put it against Tiff's head.

???: If you value your life, you'll be quiet.

Momo: Celeste, stop! She's cool. She's Nicky's friend.

Celeste: She knows him?

Momo: Yeah. They dated. He even dated her mom.

A sigh came out of Tiffany's mouth as she was reminded about that again. Celeste gave her an intimidating stare that shut her up.

Celeste: Where is Nicky? I worry about his safety.

Momo: Oh, you don't know. He's on vacation.

Celeste: Where?

Momo: I don't know. He's on a cruise with Ricky and Angelica.

Celeste: Ricky? Ah yes, the best friend. They may be in trouble as well. I went to Nicky's apartment and I found blood there.

The Human Feline was starting to worry a little.

Momo: Blood? He didn't say anything about being hurt after being attacked and kicked out of the window.

It was what the Bounty Hunter feared. One of her kind finding her only Human friend and hurting him.

Celeste: I must find him. Don't worry, Kitty. It wasn't his. I will make sure he's okay.

Momo: Please do. I don't want to be a stray kitty again.

Celeste put on her Human disguise and left Tiffany's room. The College Student was shaken up from the encounter.

Tiffany: Th-That. Was. An alien...

Momo: Yeah. She's Nicky and my Friend. We always hangout. They even dated.

Tiffany: They wha...

Tiffany couldn't handle it as she fainted on the floor. Momo only shrug her shoulders as she went to eat Tiff's vegetable tray.

Loser's Guide II: Trouble in Paradise (Huniepop 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now