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I made it to the beach, hanging with Dicky while Lola was with Jess and Ricky and Angelica were...doing thangs.

I could swear that he has a thing from the Porn Star as he kept staring at her.

"Dude, it's not cool to stare."

Dicky: I wasn't staring.

"David, go talk to her. She could use a nice man to talk with."

Dicky: I don't know, man. I got a lot to compete with, you know.

"Like what?"

Dicky: Upstaging you and the other men that railed her train station so many times. Plus, what if she thinks I won't have time for her since I'm a rapper?

"I wasn't that great, man. We were just having sex. Listen, you got a shot with Jessie. Time to shoot."

Dicky: Thanks man. You don't think Lola is going to cock block me?

"She's going to protect her best friend as she's not in the right mind."

Dicky: Okay, man.

My Best Friend got up and dab him up as he went to try his luck with Misty. Lola didn't intervene as she travel towards me.

Lola: N-Nicky...

"Hi Lola. Sorry if you think I sent my bud to talk to Jessie."

Lola: Please. Unlike you, I'm observant. He melts while he's next to her. Should've seen him at the concert.

"Yeah. That's what happens when you have a crush on someone."

Lola: Yeah, I remember that feeling.

There was an awkward silence between myself and my ex. I just stay quiet before I get obliterated with insults.

We continue to have a great time. I saw why the Married Couple were gone for so long as Angelica look incredible in her bikini.

"When they say Sex on The Beach, they meant the drink."

Ricky: Shut it, you.

Lola: Like you haven't it done it on the beach.

All I did was smirk.

Ricky: You coming to dinner tonight?

"I'm sorry but I got a big dinner date tonight."

Dicky: Ohhhhh! Okay, lil player. Well, I hope things go well, bro. See you later.

Ricky: Wear protection.

Jessie: Hey Dave, I'mma hang with Nicky for a bit. I'll see you tonight.

Dicky: That's cool. Have fun.

Jessie and I waved at the group leaving and went to the Snack Shack to order lunch.

We had a chat about Dicky and catch up. Jessie was getting inpatient with the server.

Loser's Guide II: Trouble in Paradise (Huniepop 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now