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Sky Garden
2 years later

Returning back home after another failing experience with a different human, Venus was just down in the dumps.

Sex here. Sex there. Ugh, humans are just too horny. She dealt with majority of men and maybe like 2 women.

But none of them was anything compare to him. His knowledge on what he wants in a lady. The way he somehow handle himself after having his heart ripped out of him and crushed.

He is truly the Ultimate Lover.

???: Hey boss.

Kyu, The Love Fairy and Love Inc. Number Love Fairy in finding clients their love ones walk beside the bummed out Goddess.

Kyu: [Rolling eyes, sighing] What happened this time?

Venus: The usual...

Kyu: Isn't it our jobs to get people laid. It's not like they can do it with the shit confidence they have.

Venus: That is true, Kyu. But in the end, they don't have the same mindset as Nicky. I'm fine on getting plowed. But not just by anyone.

It's been two years and the Goddess still couldn't get the human out of her head. All that replays in her head was the kiss he gave her at his best friend's wedding.

His lips pressing into hers in the moonlight sky. It was like fireworks firing in the sky and exploding. My heart skipping a beat and it was all because of this human.

It was no doubt. She had a crush on him. But Nicky was with someone else and Venus was against getting involved in a human's relationship.

A alarm got the Owner of Love Inc. attention. Taking her own Huniebee out of the cleavage of her dress.

Venus: A video call from the Science Department?

Kyu: Science Department? We have a Science Department?

Venus: [Answering the call] Speak to me, Scottie.

On the screen was a blonde middle age Fairy wearing thin round frame glass on his brown eye. Gunshots can be heard in the call.

Scottie: [Irish accent] Milady, a random person appear in the lab, shooting up the place.

Venus: I'm on my way!

Scottie: Plea-no, no, help! Help!

The Goddess and the Love Fairy ran towards the large building. Passing through the chaotic crowd of Love Fairies on the outside, the two of them made it inside.


Scottie was pulled towards a small crater made by the person who invade the department. Being toss near to it, the Head of the Science Department saw a black rectangular safe.

Scottie: Uh...I-I don't know what you want.

The Intruder made sure the Scientist got the idea by stomping on his left knee.

Scottie scream in pain, starting to get the message now, begin to use the turning the dial to the right combination.

Still applying pressure on the knee, the Invader heard footstep coming. In time, the last click on the safe, the person toss the Lead Scientist to the side and open the door.

There they were. If it wasn't for the gas mask, the smile would shown.

Inside the safe was a rectangular silver case. Pulling it out of the protection safe, the Intruder begin to escape.

Venus: Stop right there!

The person turn to see Venus carrying a staff and a shield and Kyu arrive in the room. Looking at the silver case in the hands of the thief, the Goddess was irate.

Venus: Drop that case and surrender yourself, now!

Not being one to follow orders, especially from woman who has Doublemint colored hair, the Invader cock it's pistol and point at Scottie, who was holding his left knee.

The Goddess had to come up with something and fast before her Head Scientist will be killed. Lowering her staff to the floor, Venus raised her arms up slowly to the Intruder.

Kyu: Boss, what are you doing?

Venus: Don't harm him. Just drop the case and we'll walk away from this unharm. Please, don't do this. You don't know what you're doing with that.

The Invader didn't care. It was leaving with the case no matter what. Jumping down in a hole, the person was gone.

Venus ran toward the small crater while Kyu checked on the injured Head Scientist.

Looking down, the Goddess saw the opened safe. Fears start giving her goosebumps on her body.

Venus: Scottie, please tell me...

Scottie: I'm very sorry, Venus. I truly am.

Fairies wearing nurse outfits walked in with a gurney, putting the hurt Scientist on it.

Kyu went over to her boss who had her both hands on her face. She hand over a black envelope.

Kyu: Who that was, it left this on Scottie's back.

Venus looked at the envelope, taking it. Opening it up, she took out a folded letter.

Unfolding it, she read the sentence that was written on it. She knew who wrote. The one who did all this harm in her building and her employees. The one who stole the one thing she didn't want anyone to ever find.

Kyu: What was down there?

Venus: A project myself and Scottie created. A project that failed. If he uses them, he will be incredible attractive.

[Con't] There's only one person that can stop him. [Looking at her Huniebee] and I don't think he's in the right mindset for the job we have for him.

The Goddess drop the letter that the Intruder left behind on the floor.

There can be only one!

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