What'd I Miss

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(A/N: Bit of a heads-up I'm making my own scenario for what happens in the song aside from that enjoy!
Italic= lyrics
Bold= Action.                                       )

After everyone returned freshened up...

"Now that your all here, let me brief y'all on what your gonna react to next"Saber begins, clasping her hands together.

"Please don't be another traumatising experience" Neptune begs.

"Relax, anti-water boy its a bit more light-hearted than that" Saber snickers at the blue haired boy.

"So what will we be watching next?" Ruby asks.

"We will be watching a basic rundown of the return of State Secretary Cinder Fall. But I put the Hamilton soundtrack over it" Saber says.

"State Secretary?" Cinder muses.

"Future president too" Saber answers, earning a smirk from the half maiden.

"Hamilton soundtrack?" Weiss asks

"Its actually a soundtrack from a musical about  Ruby Rose's life, but I like to call it the Hamilton soundtrack cause it reminds of Hamilton the musical back from Og Earth" Saber explains.

"What song will we react to anyway?" Pyrrha asks.

Saber pushes in a crystal into the slot, before turning to Pyrrha.

"This song is called What'd I Miss and like I said a rundown of Ms. Fall's thoughts when she returned back to America after the revolution."

"A revolution? Why, were the people there racists and wanted to deport them to some remote island or something" Blake asks.

"Quite the opposite in fact, but I'll get into that after this okay?" Saber says.

"Fine... Let's get on with it" Blake says


The screen transitions to Weiss sitting in a table drinking coffee in her home.

"Hey Weiss look its you!" Ruby says excitedly at her partner.

How does the bastard orphan
Immigrant decorated war vet
Unite the colonies through more debt?
Fight the other founding fathers till she has to forfeit?
Have it all, lose it all
You ready for more yet?

"Weiss? Rapping? Is this a dream?" Yang slaps herself lightly.

"Hey! I can totally rap!" Weiss says incredulously.

"No you can't princess" Ruby teases.

"Weiss, please don't try to rap" Winter begs teasingly, earning laughs from the audience.

Weiss pouts at her sister and lets out a huff.

"Aww, don't be sad princess you still have me" Ruby says pulling her partner into a hug.

An image of Ruby working in her office fills the screen for a few seconds.

Treasury Secretary
Ozpin's the president
Every American experiment sets a precedent!
Not so fast
Someone came along to resist him
Pissed her off till we had a two-party system

"How pissed does Ruby or anyone have to be to create a while system?" Pyrrha asks

"It was probably,really, because Ozpin seemed to favor Ruby despite a few questionable plans" Saber points out.

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