Intermission 3: New Year's Celebration

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A few hours after the last chapter...

King finds himself running around the mansion in search for his goddess counterpart. When he bumps into Summer Rose and Taiyang.

"Ahh, Ms. Summer you wouldn't have seen my over the top counterpart would you?"

"Last I saw her, she was officiating a drinking match with Qrow and Willow. She could still be there." Summer replied pointing to the basement.

"Ahh, thanks. Gotta go, now. Bye!" King tipped his hat before walking to the wine cellar.

Oh boy, was that cellar a mess. A semi passed put Qrow on the table, and an equally buzzed Willow Schnee can be seen pouring another glass of vodka into their respective sides while Saber watched in amusement.

"Christ, the hell happened here?" King scrunched his face in disgust.

"Ohh, turns they have a really high alcohol tolerance so I may have put an entire sachet of salt into the last bottle of vodka to speed things up." Saber replied, waiting for either one to pass out.

"Great... They'll either die of alcohol poisoning or win." King facepalmed, as he watched both alcoholics pass out on the floor at the same time.

"Well shit..." Saber chuckled, a bit disappointed that no one won the contest.

"Right, they'll wake up later... Probably. Wanna see what team RWBY and CRME are up to? They surely can't be any worse than these two." Saber asked her partner, pointing to the two drunks on the floor.

Meanwhile... Team RWBY and CRME.

"You fiends! Girls ready the cannon!" Weiss yelled from the snowy battlements of their makeshift snow fort.

"Yes, ma'am!" The other three responded, ramming a giant snowball into the ice cannon.

"Hey! Now that's just cheating!" Cinder yelled from the other side of the field, waving her hands around threateningly.

Back to King and Saber...

"No... They definitely did do far worse..." Saber sighed narrowly dodging the snow cannon's barrage.

"I'm honestly impressed that Cinder and minions managed to build a sophisticated trench system this quickly..." King said, diving out of the snowballs coming their way.

"The wonders of shovels, am I right?" Saber snickered, pulling a flare gun from her pocket to stop the barrage of snowballs.

"Everybody, timeout!" Saber yelled two flares towards the opposing teams, melting through their defenses in the process.

"Hey! What gives?" Roman groaned from underneath the snowy rubble of their trenches.

"What gives is you retards turning my backyard into Verdun! Everybody get back here right now, I have an announcement to make!" Saber yells to the two sides.

"Oh, great! Announcements..." Mercury groaned, digging himself out of the snow.

"Woohoo!!! Next time we'll kick your asses for sure!" Ruby gloated happily.

"Bold of you to assume you're gonna make it to second year." Cinder smirked, picking herself up then dragging herself all the way to Saber.

"Alright, now that you schmucks stopped trying to bury each other in snow... Dinner's about to be served, so go ahead amd have fun. Otherwise you're all free to go do whatever you want, and also fireworks display happens at twelve you can all view it at the top floor of mansion" Saber said smirking.

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