HBO's Rome

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(A/N: Fuck this was a mistake I wanna cry! Well, anyway enjoy watching Summer get stabbed)

Saber comes back into the theater with a box labeled 'premium'. Taking a crystal from the box she turns back to her seat.

"Fuck me, I'm going to regret watching this am I" She says to herself as she sits down.

"You look, not okay?" Yang says.

"Nah, any questions before we start?" Saber reassures.

"What will we be reacting to now?" Blake asks.

"We will be reacting to the woman that started it all, Summer Rose" Saber answers.

"What do you mean started it all? What did Summer do?" Taiyang asked

"Yeah, what did mom do?" Ruby asks

"She will seal the fate of the Roman Republic, or more accurately her death will" Saber says.

"What is this Roman Republic and what is Summer's role in it?" Ozpin asks intrigued that a single woman would bring the downfall of a republic.

Saber turns on the screen revealing a map of the late Republic, making everyone gape at its size.

"It spans what looks like two continents. How would Summer bring this down" Glynda gapes at the map.

"The Roman Republic or Rome, was a republic that spanned a total of three continents, during its earlier days Rome would see it best its rivals the Cartheginians to its south, the powerful Macedonian kingdom to its east, overtime the subjugation of Anatolia and Syria, and under the governorship of Summer Rose in Cisalpine Gaul would conquer the Gallic tribes to the north" Saber says to the audience.

"It seems its military was the most powerful at the time, intriguing but surely Summer alone death or otherwise couldn't possibly collapse a powerful force like this" Ironwood points out.

"Why is mom such an important character to Rome then?" Ruby says.

"Summer Rose was charismatic and an intelligent commander, she would win Rome and its people with words alone. But with that much power under a single person her enemies began to plot, 'to restore the republic' they reason. If only they knew it would lead to its downfall. As to why Summer's death would lead to the fall of the Republic you'd just be better of watching" Saber finishes as she inserts the first crystal.

The screen flashes, revealing Summer enters the senate floor, and is met by Mercury Black

"If I may grace you Rose, you were going to consider revoking my brothers exile"

"Just how powerful is Summer in this universe?" Raven mutters.

"What am I doing? And I don't have a brother" Mercury complains.

"Well, Mercury your a Roman senator and a co-conspirator of what's about to come" Saber grimaces.

"Conspiracy to what? You dont mean..." Raven begins.

"I'm still considering it" Summer responds to Mercury as he reaches forward to her.

"Take your hand off me" she warns but Mercury doesn't relent as he continues trying to get a hold of Summer.

"Sloppy..." Emerald criticizes

"Hey! Hands off the wife!" Taiyang shouts at the screen.

"I feel a sense of foreboding danger right now" Salem says and leans into her chair.

Summer manages to push him off, but Mercury just looks at her before speaking.

"What are you waiting for? Now! Now!"

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