Storm of Steel

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A moment of silence. Saber looks at the audience questioningly.

"I would advise you all to avoid puking on my carpet. After all, what your about to see now, is quite possibly one of the most gruesome moments in human history. Key word, One of".

Everyone shudders at her seemingly horrible implication.

'Her demeanor changed into a cold worry. How bad could their Great War truly have been?' Ozpin thought, analyzing Sabers movement.

"W-What exactly, are we watching?" Jaune asks the host.

"Let's just call it a Storm of Steel, shall we?" Saber offers, making Jaune nod.

Pushing the slot in, Saber takes her seat...

The screen opens to reveal a shocked Neptune looking at the ground. The screen shifts to soldiers beating each other with shovels and clubs, one soldier in a German uniform gets bashed in the head as his assailant soon gets stabbed in the chest by another soldier.

"I think, I'm gonna be sick..." Taiyang yelps as he pulls a bucket closer.

"Dear Oum, what, how? Shouldn't they have aura?" Willow lets out in a shaky voice.

"Unfortunately, no. Most worlds do not have aura, and as such are easier to kill" Saber says, making team RWBY huddle closer together.

"But. Still, surely without aura they would have to be careful and not throw their lives away like that" Winter insists.

Frowning Saber turns to Winter,

"And you think, they don't know that? Its common sense that in a situation like that, you'd want to survive. And the only way to survive; is to kill, kill, kill... And worry about your conscience later."

This shuts Winter up, but its clear she won't let this go, but for now she'll continue to watch. Everyone else seemed to agree with Saber's answer so they all turned back to the screen

Neptune still in shock, slowly walks forward, in a sudden move he twists around killing his would be attacker, with a blank stare. The screen shifts back quickly towards the carnage of the battle. With one soldier beating his opponent with his bear hands.

"My Oum..." Glynda says speechless at the amount of carnage the soldiers were capable of doing for a chance at survival.

"Our Great War, was nothing compared to this..." Ozpin laments looking at Ironwood.

"Would our Great War have been as violent as this, if the grimm didn't appear?" Ironwood says to himself.

More than 60 million soldiers fought in "The War to End All Wars"

It ended nothing.

What followed is frontline combat.

You are not expected to survive.

"60 million?! All those deaths for nothing!" Yang says in outrage.

"That many soldiers, dead or injured. Would have spelled the end of all life in Remnant" Ozpin says to their host.

"Well Ozpin? Are you glad that your little shadow war with Salem unknowingly saved millions of lives?" Saber whispers accusingly.

Meanwhile, everyone looks at the screen as if trying to process what they had just read.

Standing up, Saber looks at the audience blankly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the War to End All Wars, buckle up its about be get worse..."

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