The Defense of Strahnbrad

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A few minutes after last chapter...

Saber waltzes inside the theater carrying a sword with a daunting aura, as if trying to probe the minds of the audience inside.

"Ladies and Gents. I'm back, and let me introduce to you frostmourne" she says as she tossed the rune blade across the room with perfect precision.

Jaune flinches as he feels something draw him towards frostmourne.

"Jaune you okay over there, bro" Sun taps his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine just cautious, I think." Jaune responds, snapping from his daze.

Saber flashes a knowing grin towards Jaune, as if to tell him its fine. Picking the sword up, she turns to her audience.

"I suppose your curious as to the sudden shift in the rooms aura. Right, best get this over with, the Frostmourne is capable of breaking your stalemate with the grimm and vice versa." Saber says leaning into the sword.

"Its just a blade, how could it possibly win the war with the grimm. Its can't possibly be any different from our own weapons." Winter points out, making a few people nod in agreement.

"For one; Frostmourne can drain the life out of its victims, and it can drain the souls of anything it comes into contact. With that said, it will drop your aura till its gone or outright penetrate your aura. And it helps me control the dead" Saber says, sensing their doubt and disbelief, she lets them speak first.

"That's bullshit. No weapon like that exists, I'm not falling for a trick that's clearly designed to intimidate me. Your many things Saber, but this isn't gonna work" Cinder clenches her fist, but its clear she's unsure herself.

"Would you care to test it out, then?" Saber challenges. As if on cue, Summer springs to an uncontrolled aggression and lunges at Cinder.

"Enough. Let go..." Saber says, making Summer snap back to reality.

"W-What happened, d-did anyone else feel t-that pull?" Summer says between breathes.

"What happened to Summer just now?!" Qrow pulled Saber by the collar.

"She's dead isn't she? Frostmourne let's me control the dead... And, now its gonna hit your soul" Saber spats, lightly slashing Frostmourne at Qrow.

To everyone's surprise, it made a small cut on his cheek. Stunned Qrow let go, and staggers back to his seat.

"So, its real then. That sword might just be powerful enough to end our war..." Salem attempts to touch the blade, but stops herself in time.

"How? How does it do that?" Ironwood says still stunned, after all its the first time anything had been able to penetrate aura with just a light slash.

"I suppose, some of you had already guessed. But, yes it can kill Ozpin and Salem permanently" Saber says with finality.

"And to answer your question. Well, its basically its function or magic, depends really. I never bothered" Saber shruggs.

"So this is why, you were unconcerned about what we could do to you... You had countermeasures against people from Remnant under our noses." Winter says.

Nodding, Saber sits down keeping Frostmourne in close proximity. Then the door bursts open with King carrying a box filled with crystals.

He looks at Saber and Frostmourne, going back and forth with her and the blade.

"Aww. I missed the shock and fear moment. Darn... Anyway I took the Azeroth recordings, since you were planning this anyway, Saber." King says tossing Saber a crystal.

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