Trese Trailer

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A few minutes after last chapter...

"So... This is supposed to be new?" Saber asks her male look alike.

"Yes. Its actually pretty good, and an accurate representation of Manila" King rolls his eyes.

Looking deeper into the crystal, Saber looks at King with a raised eyebrow then laughs suddenly,

"Well, I can't argue with the MRT breaking down near Guadalupe, with or without aswang. So fine, let's do it."

The door swings open, as the RWBY cast enters the theater.

"King, your back!" Ruby greets him.

"Yes, Ruby I'm back. So y'all ready to watch the multiverse?"King replies conjuring his popcorn.

"Hell yeah, we're ready. I hope its not like the last one though..." Yang replies, while taking her seat.

"I heard. Relax, its nothing like the last one. This one your gonna watch next, is sorta like a trailer for the universe we may view in the near future" King informs them.

"What exactly are we watching, King?" Ozpin asks King.

Looking thoughtfully, he turns to Saber for help explaining.

Saber turns to the audience, coughing

"Well be viewing the life of Cinder Fall, the current babaylan-mandirigma or simply the current guardian of Manila." She says simply.

"What do you mean by guardian, exactly?" Cinder asks curious about its implication.

"Its as I said. Your counterpart guards the passage between the world and the underworld. And, no if your thinking you can abuse the position your clearly stupid." Saber answers nipping any of Cinder's thoughts in the bud.

"Man, these universes are getting really weird. Next your gonna tell us, Red is secretly evil or something!" Roman says out of the blue, making King spit out his drink.

Roman looks at him, "Wait. I'm right, aren't I?

"Not... Exactly." King says making Saber look at him questioningly.

Coughing, Saber looks back at her audience

"As I was saying. You all will watch what is essentially a trailer. And maybe we can go watch more in the near future." Saber finishes as she inserts the crystal into the slot.

The screen opens up to reveal a bird's eye view of Manila. Then to an MRT suddenly breaking down.

"Apparently the train broke down over the Guadalupe Bridge."

"That's pretty ominous... Also, something I'd probably do" Roman says out of nowhere.

"Not that anyone would even need to try sabotaging the MRT..." Saber mutters to herself.

"Is this normal? For being the ones that personally know the location, you both seem pretty calm." Ozpin remarks at the two hosts uncaring attitude.

"You have no idea..." King sighs, putting an arm around his seat.

The screen blackens... Lightning up again, only to reveal aswang climbing up the railing towards the unsuspecting passengers.

"Dear Oum, what the hell is that!" Glynda steps back surprised.

"I agree. What kind of monsters even are those!" Willow looked at the screen petrified.

"They... Are called aswang, they are essentially a species of man eating monsters. Or atleast the ones I remember..." Saber answers calmly.

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