Happy New Year!

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First one shot of this book!
Who here is excited?! I know I am!

Okay enough intro stuff...

Now to the book!


"Yay! This is my first New Years Eve out of the tower! And its even better! I get to spend it with my best friends!" Rapunzel jumped up and down in excitement.

"Yeah, we all know you're excited Raps but we all have to stay awake before it hits midni--" Cass's sentence got interrupted by her yawn, "before it hits midnight." "Which is only about 20 minutes away." Varian collapsed onto the couch. "We got this." Eugene said with confidence. "And don't forget, when it hits midnight and New Years, a kiss happens from your boyfriend or girlfriend." Rapunzel smiles as Eugene wraps an arm over her shoulder.

"Hey, has anyone seen (Y/n)?" Lance looked around for you. "Yeah now that you mention it." Everyone started to look for you.

"Oh! There she is. On the balcony." Rapunzel pointed to the balcony.
"I'll go talk to her." Varian got up and walked over to you.

He stood next to you, "Hey." "Hey." You looked down. "What's wrong?" Varian asked. "This is the first New Years Eve without my parents. Stupid fire." You looked in the opposite direction of Varian. "But you still have your friends. You still have... me." Varian smiled and you looked over to him.

All of a sudden fireworks went off. It was midnight. You and Varian looked up at the sky.

Varian turned to you and held your hands. You turned to him. One hand still held yours but he lifted up the other and cupped your cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned in. Your lips met his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and melted into the kiss.

You pulled away after awhile and Varian wrapped his arms around your waist. "Heh." You blushed. Varian just pulled you close. You rested your head in his chest. You smiled then looked up at him.

"Woo hoo!" You and Varian heard cheering and clapping. The two of you turned to the noise to find your friends cheering for the two of you. You giggled at them. Varian pecked your forehead and rest his forehead against yours. You leaned up and pecked his lips.

"I love you, Varian." You whispered.

"And I love you, (Y/n)." Varian whispered back.


Author's Note

Watcha think of my first of 365 one shots?! Only 364 more days left!
I'm really excited about starting this 365 day one shot thing.

(Also, I don't know if its something you do, but for my friends and family, you share a kiss once it hits midnight.)

Do you have any ideas? Put your request here:

See ya soon

Word Count: 519

Future Ruddiger here! So I wrote this about 2 years ago. I have been working on this book for quite a long time. I promise you they will eventually get better. It might take some time though since I'm posting some of my older one shots first.
Okay, that's all Future Ruddiger has to say! Bye! :)

You And Me - ⭐Varian X Reader⭐ - 365 Days - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now