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Reign walks around the bed in circles a couple of times, contemplating what to do with him. Shaking her head, she walks out of the bedroom to the front door to let Big T inside the spacious condo.

Both walking side by side into the bedroom where he lays, he looks up to see Reign and another man standing in front of him.

"Reign what the fuck is this?" He screams out, as Big T punches him on every part of his exposed body. She cringed a little at him calling her by her government.

"Call me Ace please. But you were so horny that you came to the door in a pair of boxers...really?" Reign ask rhetorically, while laughing at his pain.

Taking a knife from out of Big T side pocket she goes up to him and starts to slice at his shoulders. Hearing him scream out made her laugh loudly.

"I though you were supposed to be this big drug lord. Now your crying like a little bitch." She says taunting him.

"Please, what did i do?" He croaks out, while trying not to ugly cry.

"There there Michael, this will all be over soon." She says to him smiling.

"Please" He says, with tears in his eyes making her laugh.

"Please? Where was my please, when you had your friends beat me mercilessly, all because i let another guy take my virginity? wow." She says to him, shaking her head.

"It was supposed to be me." He says, trying to get his words out. Big T was still inflicting pain on him. Punching him on the cuts Reign inflicted minutes ago, Michael let out a loud scream.

"Aw shut up. It was never supposed to be you and it never will be you sweetheart." she utters to him with a comforting smile.

"you led me on." he tries to say, but his blood was filling his mouth slowly.

"No you just didn't know how to handle rejection. You see before my father died he taught me about striking the enemy when they least expect it. Did you think the oldest and biggest king pin of his time would let you do something so viscous to his daughter and get away with it? No he just knew to think more strategically." Reign explains to him with a smile present on her face.

"your f-father was a-a crack h-head." Michael stammers out. When he said that all the light and amusement that was present on Reigns face turned into darkness.

"Don't you dare say anything bad about my father." she says sternly, stabbing him in his legs over and over again. She didn't want to kill him just yet. Calming down after she hears her phone ringing in her purse, she goes over to pick it up.

Motioning towards Big T to cover his mouth and keep him silent she picks up Cash's call.

"Hey papi" she says to him in a flirty tone, while taunting Michael.

"Hey baby, i saw that you called me twice my bad." Cash says on the other end of the phone, putting his clothes on.

"Yea i called you and you didn't answer..were you busy with work?" Reign says into the phone, watching Michaels eyes drain to darkness.

"Uh yea, i actually was at a meeting." Cash lies. He really was just having sex with Ashley so that she could stop nagging him.

"Oh well how did it go?" she says, trying to get information.

"Well i can't tell you that, but baby call me when your on your way back to LA so that we can do something together" He says trying to hurry her off the phone because he sees Ashley waking up and he doesn't wanna hear her mouth.

"Well okay, bye." Reign says hanging up.

"Now back to you. I'll just leave you with this. Coming for me was one of your biggest mistakes and letting me live after was an even bigger mistake." She says, then takes her custom glock g19 out with a silencer attached. Pointing her gun at his head, she waves at him before pulling the trigger.

"Call them to clean this up." she demands walking out of the condo, down the elevator, then out of the whole building.

Waiting in the backseat, thirty minutes later she sees them coming out with a big black bag in hand. Probably the body she thinks.

Big T comes around and hops in the car. "Boss we have retrieved the body what do you want us to do with it?" he says.

"Let's take him to Lake George" she says sitting back in her seat.

The lake wasn't to far from Michaels condo building so they arrive there in no time.

Walking up to the lake, Reign starts to light a blunt while watching them take Michaels body out of the bag. Reign was never a smoker but after doing it a few times with Cash she became a pro.

Exhaling the smoke as she watched them dump his body in the river. When they were finished she threw her blunt on the ground and stomped on it.

"pussy ass nigga" she mumbles, watching his body sink to the bottom of the lake.

Shaking her head she makes her way back to the car, along with her team.

Driving off heading back to the hotel she owns. She decides that she wants to head back to LA tonight instead of waiting in the morning because she's already had some fun and accomplished what she came to do.

Arriving, Reign immediately goes upstairs to inform Mel that they are leaving right now.



"MELISSA" she yells, tapping her bestfriend hard.

"what bitch" Mel says waking up from her slumber, confused on why Reign is waking her up.

"Pack your things hoe, we gotta go" Reign says to her.

"We gotta- what?" Mel replies confused because she thought they were leaving tomorrow.

"Did you notice how i just rhymed? i could really be a rap-"

"Hoe what do you mean we gotta go?" Melissa says, cutting Reigns sentence short.

"Um excuse you and i meant exactly what i said get your ass up. We gotta go." Reign says, while pulling the cream covers off of Melissa's frame.

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