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Reign flickers her eyes open to see a bright white light. Immediately she's plague with the worst thoughts until she hears a voice.

"Doctor Moon .. She's awake" She hears a familiar voice say, making her turn her head to see Mel.

She starts to realize that she in her master bedroom but her only question is how did she get here.

Suddenly a middle aged white man comes into room. He starts to check the equipment that she was connected to on the side of her bed.

"Hi i'm your doctor remember?" The man asks her. Reign tries to answer his questions but instead a loud fit of coughs erupt.

"Can you grab her that water from the nightstand" The doctor says to Mel.

Melissa hands Reign a bottle of water which she quickly gulps down.

"wha-" Reign clears her throat, "what happened?" She ask.

"Rei let's just see how your doing first" Mel says with a look of sympathy.

"I'm fine .. now what the fuck happened?" She replies with an aggravated tone, looking back and forth between her best-friend and doctor.

"I'm going to let you tell her" Doctor Moon says, before exiting the room.

There was complete silence in the room, even an ants crawls would be loud. Mel didn't want to tell Reign what happened because she knew that it wouldn't be took well.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck happened or are you gonna sit there lookin stupid" Reign ask her best-friend harshly.

"Reign i'm scared of how you'll react." Mel says while biting her nails nervously.

"React to what just tell me shi-"

"Youwereinacaraccidentandyourbabydied" She blurts cutting reign off.

"What" She ask in disbelief.

"Rei you were really upset about something with Cash and you got into a car wreck .. you were really beat up so the paramedics called me so i came and brought you here. After i called Doctor Moon and he checked you out but unbeknownst to me you were bleeding on your vaginal area .. turns out y-you we're having a miscarriage." Mel explains to her, with tears brimming her eyes throughout her explanation.

Reign on the other hand was a sobbing mess. To learn that she lost her baby was heartbreaking. She took family so serious because she had no other family except Mel and to know that her unborn child died, took her into a sadden state.

Melissa couldn't stand to see her best friend so hurt. Unlike Reign, Mel had her mom to fall back on so she felt really bad for her friend whom she loves like a sister. She couldn't help but to feel like all of this was Cash's fault. If he wouldn't have made her so upset then she wouldn't have drove, is how Melissa saw it.

"I'm gon give you minute Rei Rei" She says, walking out of the room leaving Reign to her thoughts.

Reign was shattered but she felt obligated to tell Cillian because he was the father. Looking around for her phone, she realized it probably got lost during the car crash. Good thing she had a second phone that she didn't bring with her.

Grabbing the phone from the drawer, she immediately dialed his phone praying that he answered because though they were in a fight she really needed him right now.

She waits as the phone rings but he never answers so she decides to call him another 4 times before giving up.

He couldn't even answer the phone while i'm in need.

Feeling overwhelmed from all the emotions, she throws her phone at the wall watching it shatter.

Hearing the commotion Mel rushes back into the room looking at Reign try to rip the needles and equipment off of her. This is the first time since the passing of Charles that she has seen her friend have such a breakdown.

"No no no please stop Reign" She says coddling her.

Engulfing her into a tight hug, Mel watches her cry while trying to sooth her.


Sitting in his office Cillian looked like the devil if he had a form. He had dark red circles around his eye, his hair was growing out wildly, with his attire being baggie clothes paired with jewelry. Even in his current state he was still a site to see.

Hearing a knock on his door, he snaps from his zoned out state. "Come in" He says.

"Wassup Cash" Hood says entering.

"Wassup man watchu want" He replies in a annoyed tone.

"Well damn excuse me .. i just wanted to tell you that our new drug double z's is becoming high in demand."

Hearing this news, Cillian gives a small smirk. He was happy that more money would be infiltrating his pockets.

"Okay that's good get them bitches down there to make another batch." He demands.

"Alright but that's not all"

"What now" He replies.

"Well Tyler has been stealing 500 hundred dollars from the stash for weeks but we caught him" Hood says, while watching the unpleasant look on Cillian's face.

"Where is he?" He ask in a spine chilling tone.

"Tied up in the basement" Hood answers simply.

Nodding his head, he stands up from his seat to walk out of his office with Hood following behind him.

Passing through all the the doors he descends down the steps into the main basement for torturing.

There Tyler sat in the dimly lit room with hands tied up in front of his body while his upper half was tied to the chair.

"Tylerrrrrrrr" Cillian sings mockingly, with a manic smile present on his face.

Tyler was now sweating harder, you can just smell the fear radiating off of his being.

"C-cash p-please" He pleaded with tears streaming down his face.

"Please what? i didn't even do anything to you" He replies with the same spine chilling smile.

Walking over to a table in the corner of the room with all kinds of torture devices, Cash laughed in complete happiness.

After being indecisive about which weapon he wanted, he finally settled for a machete.

Walking closer to Tyler with the machete in his hand, he didn't care about his cries or the fact that he was a 17 year old boy. The only thing that was on Cillian's mind was the fact that he stole from him.

Running the sharp tip of the machete down Tyler's shoulder, he smiles softly at the young boy. Suddenly he slices both of Tyler's hands off with one flick of the weapon.

Shrill screams were heard throughout the sound proof basement as blood trickled down from what used to be his hands.

Tilting his head while observing the dark red substance pouring from the boys wrist, he walks carefully behind the boy making sure not to get blood on his white air forces.

"Bye bye Tyler" He says before slicing his throat, quieting all of the previous cries.

"Make sure this is cleaned up correctly, i would hate for y'all to end up like Tyler"

Walking up the steps back to his office he sits down in his chair picking up his phone seeing multiple missed calls from Reign.

He shakes his head and he proceeds to take his favorite drug out of his drawer starting to begin his now daily routine.

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