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Reign "Ace" Armani

The cold air brushes onto my silky skin as i walk into one of my many warehouses

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The cold air brushes onto my silky skin as i walk into one of my many warehouses. I was currently in New York for some business. Work wise i had been slacking being that i was occupied by everything Cillian, and i had to get myself together because it was starting to effect my craft.

Glancing around i saw many people that were eager to know who was this beautiful woman dressed in black with many bodyguards behind her. Well lucky for them i'm here to answer that question and many more.

Strutting my way up the stairs of the warehouse so that i could look over everyone, i heard many  murmurs guessing who i could be. I quickly whisper in one of my mens ear to round up everyone into this room that i was currently standing above. After gathering every single person into the room the whispers became louder.

"Silence" I turn my head, realizing it was Big T quieting the group down on my behave causing me to smirk and nod at him.

"Well now that i have your attention i would like to introduce myself, i'm Ace." Hearing loud gasp and more murmurs around the room, i sigh because this was really getting old.

"If you all are done i would like to continue talking...as i was saying i'm the infamous Ace you all have been working for and i've came here because my New York warehouses are doing the best right now so i felt that you guys should have some incentive so i'm going to give you all a raise." After finishing my statement i hear a parade of whistles and appreciation spur out from the group.

"Thank you but also the biggest thing in this organization for me is family and that is why i'm starting with my New York division first because i want everybody to be on the same page so we can run this as smooth as possible." I say, while everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"With that being said i want to know what are some things you think can make this process better, what do you think has been hindering any of our growth, and also any new ideas." As soon as those words left my heart shaped lips, hands immediately went into the air almost reminding me of those high school movies i used to watch with my father.

Pointing to the brownskin boy with crisp braids he eagerly takes his turn, talking about a bunch of ideas i thought were pretty stupid but just to be nice i pretended to care about them.

After choosing a couple more people my finger landed on this handsome caramel skinned male, "Honestly we need to make our own product." He speaks.

"We already do make our own products" Big T answers, causing for the beautiful man to shake his head.

"The streets are talking and one of the biggest drugs in demand is double Z, something we don't have access to. So i think we should come up with our own drug and sell it...that way we now have the newest drug for people to get high off that is way more stronger but also more undetectable than double Z's." He says making his peers nod in agreement.

Honestly i was impressed because he actually had a good idea. Of course i knew about double Z's, i've heard Cillian talk about it on the phone for a while but i didn't know it was so high in demand right now.

After a few more ideas everybody went back to work as i went into my mint green colored office that had been in the works for a long time. Sitting down on my cream leathered chair, i sat and thought about what that guy said.

I have to get from under Cillian's shadow and fast. First i was just going to make a new drug but now i'm thinking about asking Gill to give me a crate of double Z to sell while i work on my perfecting my own drug, that's going to knock him out the race.

It's going to be extremely easy to get him to give in being that he's been trying hard to get back on my good side for a while now. Ever since he took me on that little date we've been trying to work things out together. It's been 4 weeks since the incident that changed our relationship dynamic, and slowly but surely we're getting back on the right track.

Picking my phone up, i swiftly click his contact letting it ring for a few minutes before realizing he wasn't going to answer. I honestly shouldn't be surprised being that he hasn't answered any of my calls in the past 2 days.

I really am trying my hardest to trust him but i don't think i can with all the thoughts swarming in my head about his previous infidelity. The amount of times i've almost went out and killed the first person i laid my eyes on by even thinking about him touching another female was astronomical.

Deciding to get right to business while i'm here i start to write down new raises next to each persons name.

3 hours later.....

I was exhausted, i honestly forgot that there were so many people at this warehouse. All i wanted to do now was get home because i've had enough work for today.

Stepping out of my office and locking it back, my bodyguards escort me to my tinted black truck helping me in. Big T hops in the passenger seat in front of me while he turns the radio up to avoid dead silence.

Besides my best-friend, Big T was one other person that i knew i could trust since he's been watching over me ever since the tinder age of 12.

Thinking about my childhood causes a smile to appear upon my face as i lay my head onto the window wishing for simpler times.

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