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                      Reign "Ace" Armani

"Yea .. so what was her last location" I say in the phone, conversing with Big T.

"The last place her phone was tracked was some rinky dink gas station, i'm guessing she got rid of the phone there." I shake my leg up and down while sitting on the bathroom sink.

"Well do something ... maybe check her sisters house in Nevada to see if she's there."

"I thought you said her sister hates her."

"She does but they're still blood so check" I say sighing afterwards.


Hanging up the phone i turn my head to the door and became startled when seeing Cillian standing there. Last time i checked he was in a deep sleep before i had to take my phone call.

"Who was that?" He ask as i jumped off the sink.

"Um business" I say after clearing my throat. I didn't want him to worry about everything that's going on while he's trying to get better.

"Really?" He says walking behind me causing me to clench my thighs.

"Yes" I tell him breathlessly.

Bending me over, he puts a deeper arch in my back before lifting up my night gown.

"Are you lying to me?" He leans down whispering in my ear before giving me soft kisses on my neck.

"No" Struggling to breath as he runs his fingers up and down my wet folds.

"Okay" He says getting from behind me and pulling my gown down.

I look at him confused and flustered as he starts to brush his teeth like nothing happened.

"What you staring at?" He ask while looking at me through the mirror.

Shaking my head i walk out the bathroom mumbling, "Asshole".

"Baby i wanna take a shower" I hear him yell out to me as i sat on the bed searching for something to watch.

Getting up and throwing the remote down, i go to his spacious closet picking out some clothes for the both of us.

Walking back into the bathroom i start to remove my night gown.

"Take off your clothes nigga" I say to him seeing as he still wasn't undressing himself.

"I need your help, remember?" He replies smirking causing me to sigh.

After helping him out of his clothes we both get into the steamy glass shower, and we wash our bodies up.

"What were you really talking about on the phone?" I tense up as he was washing my back.

"Where to find Vanessa."

"Why couldn't you just tell me that the first time?" He ask, as i turn around facing him to let the water run down my back.

"Because i didn't want you to worry about something i have under control." I say looking in his eyes.

"I'm not worried." He says smirking with this crazy look in his eyes.

"You have to take your medicine Gill."

After finishing up in the shower, we got dressed and went downstairs.

Going in the cabinet to grab all of his medication. I know its hard for him because he doesn't like pills but he needs them.

Ever since he told me about his mental illnesses i've been very consistent with getting him to take his meds.

"I need food with these." He says staring at the pills in front of him.

Going to the fridge i pull out his wings that i had got him. Putting them in the microwave, i pull out my phone.

Calling Sean for the fifth time in the matter of two days, i listen to it ring until it went to voicemail.

"Who you calling?" Gill ask as i take out his wings.


"Cause if it's Sean there's no point" He said with the same look from earlier.

"What do you mean? there's no point." He chuckles while grabbing one of his wings out the box.

"Can you hand me a water?" He ask causing me to get him one out the fridge.

"Now answer my question."

"He's dead." He said before biting into his chicken.

"What the fuck do you mean he's dead?" I ask hoping that he didn't do what i know he probably did.

"I had some people kill him." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Why would you do that?"

"I love you" He replied cheesing causing me to shake my head.

"That's not what i asked." He sighed before taking a drink of his water.

"I did it because he was in the way so i removed him...permanently." Closing my eyes for a second i take a few deep breath's in and out so that i didn't snap on him.

"Gill take your medicine." I said to him.

I intently watched as he took each pill making sure that he didn't try anything slick. Just for extra precautions i still had to check his mouth to make sure he didn't try to hide any of them.

It's sad that i had to thoroughly search a 27 year old man's mouth but i needed to know for sure if he consumed each pill.

After, he continued eating until he was finished.

"I found a rehab for you." I tell him as we sat in the living room watching anything that came on vh1.

"Is it a good one?" He ask while rubbing my leg.

"Yes i found one that is very private, your damn near the only patient. I know your not a people person so you won't have to deal with other patients and the facility is more like a mansion."

"That seems nice but i'm scared." He says turning his head towards me.

"What are you scared of?" I ask with my face scrunched up.

"Getting help"


"What if i tell somebody all the things that go on in my head and they tell me that i can't be helped or that im unable to fix."

"As long as you try your hardest to work on yourself there's no doubt in my mind that you can't change." I say before getting up from the couch heading to the kitchen.

"Get me a caprisun" Cillian yells to me.

Pulling the refrigerator open i get a call from Big T, "Wassup".

"We got her boss" He said making a huge weight lift off of my shoulders.

"Hold her right there i'm on my way."

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