Chapter 3: Arrival

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It came as a shock to the kings that their mate was human. For the first time ever, four kings were given one mate and on top of that, she was human. It would be a huge responsibility for them as they would have to protect their mate at all costs.

Werewolves had a prejudice against humans since humans were weak, selfish, and cunning beings. Werewolves always considered themselves superior since they were stronger, quicker, and smarter, with abilities such a better hearing, mind-link, and fast speed. It would be a challenge for all of them since all previous queens were werewolves, and it was a question whether the packs would accept the new queen. But the bigger question was whether their mate would be able to settle amongst the werewolves.




Genevieve and Bella were lawyers for the government of the Central Kingdom. Both good at their job, but with different personality traits. Gen focused more on doing a good job, whereas Bella just focused on getting the job done. It was due to Gen's dedication and hard work that she reached a top position despite being younger than Bella. But Bella wasn't jealous of her either. Bella had her own good traits- she was convincing, social, and attractive. The two became friends and worked well as a team.

"So where are we going? You just called me and told me to pack whatever I can. What is going on?" Genevieve inquired as she packed her bags.

"You heard about the renewal of treaties with the werewolf kingdoms, right? We got chosen as representatives from the central kingdom. It's for a month, and we are going to leave in the morning." Bella spoke calmly as if it was no big deal and visiting werewolf kingdoms was just a normal ordeal.

Genevieve choked on the water that she was drinking and spit it out of her mouth. "We're going where?" She couldn't believe her ears. Was it for real?

"Are you in your right mind Bella? Werewolves! Large beastly creatures. It's a different thing just reading about them and actually meeting them. That too for a month? I didn't sign up for this!" Gen argued and stared at Bella for some sort of explanation.

"About that... I signed up on your behalf." Bella confessed and Gens' eyes widened as she threw the nearest pillow at Bella's face. "The council only approved my name if I gave in yours too, so I didn't really have a choice." Bella revealed and Gen rolled her eyes.

Gen couldn't sleep the entire night. She read up every single book she found related to werewolves and memorized each and every detail she could. She was nervous, but also excited deep down. She liked exploring and going on adventures. And this would be like a vacation from work. But on a foreign land with creatures who she was still unsure about.

"Are you seriously going dressed up like that?" Bella questioned Genevieve on the choice of her outfit.

"I packed everything else, and this is all I got. And it's comfy. Why? Is it dirty? Does it smell bad?" Gen sniffed and straightened out her clothes.

"You know what, it's fine. Here is the itinerary, and some instructions and guidelines." Bella handed the documents over to Gen who read each and every word carefully. The schedule was pretty straight forward, and the girls also got two bodyguards to accompany them on the trip. The document also stated that if any time they felt uncomfortable or unsafe at a place, then they could leave immediately. The kings had also vowed to treat their guests with respect and take care of them in the best way possible.

"Bella, you do know that we can't take our phones, cameras or any other electronic device with us, right?" Gen questioned, and Bella became alarmed.

"Wait, where does it say that? I can't stay without my phone and internet. How will we communicate?" Bella questioned frantically. Somehow she had missed that point, and she had major separation anxiety when it came to her phone.

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