Chapter 26: Jealousy

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Their dreams shattered in a blink of an eye. To hear their mate call someone else her soul mate, and to see her hug someone else, was like a dagger to their heart. They felt angry, frustrated, and most of all territorial. They were in denial; this could not be true. Gen was their mate.

The man was seemed to be in his mid-20's and had a good height and physique, but he couldn't compare to the kings in any way. They glared at him in such a way that they would bury him any second. Lucius didn't waste a second to separate Gen from the man, and the rest of the kings stood by Lucius. Gen felt their mood shift and began to get slightly worried.

"Let's sit." She mentioned, and they all sat at a table. "Kings, this is Julian. Julian, these are the werewolf kings I told you about. Damien, Lucius, Markus and Tristan." She introduced.

As if reading the name 'Darius' in her diary wasn't enough of a heart attack, now they had to deal with a person called Julian, who was an even bigger threat. Julian seemed slightly uncomfortable under the king's gaze but nonetheless he tried to start a conversation.

"I've heard a lot about you all from Gen. I hope she didn't give you all a tough time." He joked, but none of the kings laughed or found it funny.

"You never mentioned him to us." Markus countered blatantly, looking at Gen.

"Ouch Gen, I'm hurt." Julian spoke dramatically as he looked at Gen, and that just made the king's blood boil.

"It's not a big deal. We were mostly so busy that we never got time to talk about other things." She clarified.

"We used to have plenty time. I guess you thought that Julian wasn't important enough for you to mention him in front of us." Tristan attacked.

"What are you doing?" Gen felt like she was in a tough spot, and the situation made her uncomfortable.

"It doesn't really matter if she talks about me or not. I know how much she cares about me and that is all that matters." Julian tried to console Gen and kept his hand on hers.

The kings couldn't withstand seeing it, and then surprisingly, Damien spoke to Julian, "I think you should leave."

Gen would've never expected Damien to be so rude, so she glared at him. On the contrary, the other kings were proud of him and backed him up. Julian was caught off guard, and he felt speechless, but still mustered his courage to speak. "Is there a problem? Have I offended you in any way?"

All the kings could think of was that the man had the audacity. They spoke without wasting a second. "Yes, you're the problem. Leave."

Gen was frazzled and before she knew, Julian stood up and left. Gen felt furious and lashed out at the kings. "What did you just do? Why are you behaving like this?! This was so insulting and disrespectful. I can't believe you did this." She stood up to leave, but the kings held her back.

"Don't go after him." The kings stopped her, and she reluctantly complied.

She was genuinely very upset to see their behavior and had a cross expression throughout the car ride. She began to give the silent treatment to the kings. But this time, the kings didn't try to speak to her either. They were also upset and in a haggard state of mind. They couldn't give up on their mate, but they couldn't force her either. They were mainly upset about Julian entering the equation, and they didn't know what to do about him.

When they reached home, Gen stomped towards her room and Bella sensed the cold war going on. She decided to question the kings. "What happened?"

The kings didn't know how to tell her, but they decided to inquire about Julian through her. "Bella, do you know Julian?"

"Yes, did he do something? He is so busted." Bella exclaimed.

"No, he didn't do anything. Tell us about him, what is he like? What is his relationship with Gen like?" Tristan questioned.

"He is a complex person- some days I like him, some days I don't. Gen is way too good for him." She uttered, and the kings agreed that Gen was way too good for anyone for that matter.

"He and Gen do look good together." Hearing the words made the kings' hearts sink. "But... they are better off as friends. I know for a fact that he likes Gen way more than she likes him. She is just with him for the sake of it. They don't have chemistry, and they aren't like how a typical boyfriend and girlfriend should be."

The kings saw a glimmer of hope, but they wouldn't want Gen to be hurt either. They just had to come up with a way to make her theirs and it felt even more difficult after this incident. They made a unanimous decision about their way forward. There was one thing which they just had to do.

"Gen, may we come inside?" The kings stood outside her room and sought permission before they entered.

"Come in." She replied, but by the tone of her voice, the kings could tell that she was still mad at them.

The kings stood in a line, held their ears, and got on their knees.

"We're sorry for upsetting you. We shouldn't have acted that way."

Gen was surprised to see them on their knees and told them to get back up. "You all were way out of line, but it's okay. I just spoke to Julian and tried to explain the entire situation."

The kings were irked to hear his name, but they shrugged it off.

"You did so much drama at the café. And look at you all now. You look like kids who just got scolded, no one would believe you're werewolf kings." Gen laughed.

"We'd do anything for you, even bow down in front of you." Markus spoke, and he meant it with atom in his body.

"What happened to 'A king only bows down in front of his queen'?" Gen joked, reminding him of his words.

And then it struck to the kings. This was it; the moment they had waited for.

"Genevieve... It is you... You are our queen. Our mate." 

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