Chapter 30: Calm

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The kings couldn't believe their ears. They thought they were dreaming. But even if it was a dream, they didn't want to wake up. Their happiness had no bounds. It was finally happening. Genevieve had accepted them. Not one, not two, all of them.
"Did I hear her right?" Markus asked to confirm, and Damien followed, "Please tell me this is real."
Genevieve nodded, and she could understand why they reacted like this. She also surprised herself when made the confession and realized her feelings.
"But what about Julian?" Lucius scowled as soon as he was reminded of him.
"Actually, when I got the call, I went to meet him," Gen revealed, and the kings were agitated to hear her words. But the anger soon dissipated when they heard what she had to say next.
"We decided to break up. It was a mutual decision, and we have decided to remain friends," She disclosed. She was worried that it would be hard for the two of them, and they wouldn't be able to stay as friends. But Julian was kind and understanding. Gen looked back and realized that it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. Gen thought that maybe it was because her heart was in a different place, and Julian and she were not meant to be, which was why things worked out like that.
The kings hugged her all at once, and even though it felt suffocating, she did not resist. She was happy, and so were the kings. Even though it felt impossible at the start, they were able to overcome everything and be together.
"Let's go back to my kingdom," Lucius suggested like an impatient boy who finally got what he wanted, and wished to keep it with him at all times.
"No, we'll go to my kingdom first!" Tristan insisted, always imposing that he was the eldest, so he would go first.
The kings started to quarrel about who's kingdom Gen would go back to first, and Gen was amused to see them fight over the smallest things.
"Ssh!" She quieted everyone, and the kings obeyed immediately.
"It has only been a week since you all came to the Central Kingdom. You can't go back just like that. Besides, we have a party today for you all," Gen reminded while the kings had forgotten about it. Markus was excited to hear about the party, but the other kings didn't care about it.
"And since I have four mates, I'll figure something out about how I will visit your respective kingdoms so that I can spend equal amounts of time with each one of you," Gen disclosed and the kings were overjoyed when she called them her mates. They couldn't get used to the feeling, but they loved it.
"Now I have to go and manage everything for the party. I will see you all there. Bella will come with your clothes and help you reach the venue," Gen tried to leave, but the kings stopped her.
"Why do you have to go?" "Can't you tell someone else to oversee the situation?" "Do we really have to go?" "Can't we stay in?" The kings whined, but Gen wouldn't give in.
"No, no, no," She announced, but she felt a little bad for them too. She thought of something to lighten up their mood and told them in their ears before she left, "If you behave tonight, I will give you all a surprise." She winked and then left.
The king's mind went haywire listening to her words, and they felt like they were on cloud nine. They couldn't wait for the surprise, and their minds were on the same track about what they wanted it to be.
Bella came with their dresses soon after, and she sensed that they were extremely happy.
"Did you all win a jackpot?" She teased, and truthfully, having their mate accept them was nothing less than a jackpot. They had everything that they ever wanted.
"Your dresses are here, try them on, and if any fitting or alteration is needed, I will do it then and there," Bella revealed, and the kings did as they were told.
Bella was skillful and fast with all the alteration that was needed, and the kings were fascinated.
"Wow, where did you learn all this?" Tristan questioned, and Bella spoke, "Gen and I learned all this when we were young. We've always been joined at the hip."
The kings realized that Gen never really talked much about herself or her childhood. She never mentioned her parents or her family. As her mates, it was important for them to know as much as they could about her. And they felt that Bella was the perfect person to give them all the details.
"Tell us more about your childhood," Damien probed.
"Gen and I both don't have parents or a family. We were brought up by nuns and were taken care of. We had a bright childhood, from school life to college. I am a few years older than Gen, so I often guided her on what to do and what not to. Gen was shy as a child, and I was bold and outspoken, so I would always protect her from the bullies and take care of her. She has always followed my footsteps and stood by my side," Bella revealed, and the kings were upset to hear about a few things, but they were also relieved that Gen had Bella.
"What about boyfriends? Did you both have many in the past?" Lucius inquired, and he hoped that wasn't the case. They knew that they couldn't change the past, and it wouldn't affect the future. But they were still curious.
"Gen had many boys fawning over her, but she was never interested in relationships. She was very reserved and happy to be single," Bella told them. "So, when she started dating Julian, I was a little shocked. But he is probably her first and last boyfriend."
The kings were glad that he was out of the picture because they were going to be her last.
"I have had the worst luck with men. None of my relationships ever worked out, and they always ended up ugly. Now I am just waiting for my soulmate to come to find me because I am tired of finding him," Bella spoke dramatically, and Markus answered, "I am sure you will find him soon."
"As soon as you're all ready, you should leave for the venue. My boss has arranged a limousine for you all tonight," Bella told the kings, and they felt like they were royalty. They were actually royalty, but that applied more when they were in their kingdom. Here, they were Genevieve's mates.
They reached the party, and they were enamored. All the arrangements were perfect, and Gen had managed everything expertly. The kings were greeted by many people, but their eyes only searched for one. Gen had gone back home to get dressed, and the kings felt lonely without her.
The kings noticed that it was the night of the full moon. It was the night when werewolves had heightened senses, and they would be on edge. They noticed the weather, and they saw dark clouds creeping up. They could sense a storm coming up, and they had to brace themselves. They kept bombarding Gen with messages and she told them that she was stuck in traffic.
When they couldn't wait any longer, they stood up to leave and find her. But they were stopped in their tracks when they saw something familiar. Something important. Something meaningful.
The triple moon triquetra.
The birthmark of their mate, and the only identifiable feature that they knew about.

But it was not the person they had hoped.

Author's Note:
Hello everyone! I hope you're all well. I am sorry for being MIA for so long. I had been busy and I also had some personal issues.
I am so thankful for all the love this story has received. It has been so hard to resume this story since I took such a long break, but it is your love that keeps me going.
I also have something new for all my readers. I published a new story called 'Isa' which is a romance, mystery, thriller. It is a fully pre-written story so the updates will be prompt and you won't have to wait long. I update it every Friday. Please give it a chance.
Lots of love xoxo
Happy reading!

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