Chapter 27: Perplexed

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Genevieve always felt like she was ordinary. She had an average height, average weight, average features. Nothing special. She had read up about werewolves and was fascinated to read about their bond with their mates. It felt so sacred, so deep. A part of her wished to experience that bond and to feel its intensity. She never imagined the heavens would listen to her and make her wish come true.

But in her mind, it wasn't possible, and it couldn't be true. So, she just laughed when she heard the remark and waited for the kings' expressions to change. But their expressions remained stoic as ever.

"You're joking, right? Or did I hear you incorrectly?" Gen was baffled. She couldn't digest this situation. What, why, how, a lot of questions ran through her mind.

"Evie, we would never joke about this. We're serious. You are our mate." Damien spoke up, and Gen's face turned pale.

"Your mate?! Come on, don't play such pranks on me. I feel like a fool for falling for this." Gen felt stupid for thinking about it. Her mind wasn't willing to accept it.

The kings didn't know what to do because Gen seemed horrified. This was not the reaction they were expecting, but they had no other choice.

"Please trust us." Lucius pleaded, hoping that she would keep an open mind and listen to them.

"But... You... I..." Gen was left speechless. Never in her wildest dreams would she have expected such a thing would happen to her.

"For the first time, we were bestowed with a human mate." Markus clarified, and Gen's heartbeat fastened.

"All four of us have one mate. And that is you." Tristan spoke, and that was when Gen's eyes widened. All of a sudden, their words made sense. Why they kept using we, our and us. Why they would always stick together as a team. Why they all treated her like she was special.

Overwhelmed by the emotions, Gen began to cry. Her brain was in an overload, her heart was beating at the speed of light and her body froze. The kings became worried to see her state and rushed up to hug her. Gen felt fuzzy in their embrace. All of a sudden, many things started to make sense. Visiting their kingdoms, having ups and downs, and now having them at her place. But it was all too much for her.

She broke the embrace and wiped her tears before she spoke. "I'm sorry. I can't be your mate."

The words broke their hearts, but they had expected it after her break down. "Eve, you don't have to answer now. You're tired and you're not thinking straight. Take your time. But please don't act hastily." Tristan explained.

Gen rejecting them would be the worst thing for them and their kingdom. Although none of them were patient, but they had to be with Gen. She was their only chance, their only mate. They left Gen and went to their own room.

Gen felt restless and it was as if the kings had dropped a bomb on her. To have werewolves as mates, on top of that, not just any average werewolf, KINGS, and not just one, FOUR. She pinched herself a number of times to ensure that she wasn't dreaming. She felt like she couldn't talk to anyone about this because they would all think that she was crazy. She had never heard or read about anything like this. Her mind was in a frenzy, so she decided to call Bella.

"Is everything okay between you and the kings? Something seemed off." Bella questioned.

"Yes, no, what should I do?" Gen sighed.

"Spill the beans." Bella encouraged, but Gen was hesitant, so she decided to twist the situation around.

"So, the thing is all werewolves have a mate. It's like their significant other. The kings have found their mate. But the king is that all have one mate, and she is a human." Gen tried to sound as normal as she could, but internally she was screaming.

"God, Gen is it you?" Bella guessed, and Gen's instant reaction was a loud "NO." She didn't want to lie to Bella, but she was just very uncomfortable to tell her truth.

She normalized her tone and spoke, "The kings want me to talk to her and convince her. What should I do?"

"I don't really understand why they've involved you in this. It should stay between them and their mate. They should just be honest and communicate. If things are meant to work out, they will." Bella answered.

"What would you do if you were their mate?" Gen quizzed her, and Bella replied, "Four werewolf kings and one human mate? It sounds exciting to me." Gen had to agree had it did sound exciting, but terrifying at the same time. This was a huge deal, and it wasn't as simple as it seemed. She stayed up the entire night and poured her heart out.

The kings were worried, but they were willing to fight till the end. They met Gen in the morning, who sat in the lounge with her face buried in her hands. She looked up at the kings and she felt a surge of emotions wash over her. She was flabbergasted, and she just wanted to hide.

"Why me?" She questioned. She pondered about it a lot, but she couldn't come up with a plausible explanation as to why God thought that she would make the perfect mate for four werewolf kings.

"Why not you? You're sweet, you're smart, you're funny, you're confident, you're all that we need." Damien gave the perfect response which left Gen speechless.

"The day I saw you, I just knew that it had to be you. We may be opposites, but opposites attract." Markus added.

"You had fire in your eyes when you challenged me. You were unafraid, unapologetic and so fierce." Lucius revealed.

"You make decisions with your brain and your heart and understand others so perfectly. You have all the qualities of our queen." Tristan mentioned.

Gen found herself thinking about their words and slowly giving in, but her mind wasn't ready to accept it. She loved how the kings spoke about her, but her feelings mattered too. What she thought about the kings, was she comfortable with them, did she like the idea of being with them. But no matter how much she thought about it, she remained conflicted and confused.

"I don't think this will work out. We are so different, and this is so unusual. I won't be able to cope with this. Neither I know you all too well, nor do you. This is not how things work." Gen gave up.

The kings held Gen's hand with the utmost softness and consoled her. "Give us a chance. Let's get to know each other."

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