Chapter 17: Recovery

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It was a gloomy day in the Western Kingdom. Clara was kicked out immediately after she attacked. Even she knew that this would be the consequence, but she had no regrets. Damien was in a critical condition and the girls were terrified to the core. Clara had aimed at Genevieve, but Damien was quick to notice and shielded her. But since Clara was in wolf form and Damien in human form, Clara's attack was lethal, and she didn't hold back at all. She didn't care who came in front of her, all she saw was red. People came up to stop Clara, but it was too late.

Damien was brutally injured, his bones were broken, his skin was in shreds, and his organs were taken out. Although he was treated by the best doctors in the kingdom and they all tried their very best, but none of them felt that he would be able to make it. He was in a coma, so he wasn't dead yet. But they said that the chances of him waking up were very low and that it was a hopeless case. He laid lifeless and he was completely pale. As a werewolf his wounds and organs healed quickly, but he wouldn't wake up or move.

The girls were horrified and couldn't even bear to look at his state. They felt responsible for his condition, since they had provoked Clara, and brought her to the edge. They hadn't imagined such a thing to happen. If they knew, they would have left and never turned back. Gen and Clara felt like outcasts in the kingdom, but they didn't want to leave Damien and the Western Kingdom.

Bella handled the workings of the kingdom since the king was in a helpless state and the queen was banished. She received a lot of opposition, but she tackled everything to help the kingdom sustain. She got rid of all of Clara's cruel practices and established a better relationship between the humans and the werewolves. Humans who were previously treated as slaves, were now set free to go back to the central kingdom. She made sure everything went smoothly and soon got along with the pack as well.

Gen would sneak inside Damien's room to stay by his side. She would sit by his side and read to him. She would tell him about her day and pretend as if he was listening. But deep down she felt extremely guilty. She still had hope, and so she prayed relentlessly for Damien to recover and wake up. But the days passed and there were only a few days left till the girls could stay in the Western Kingdom.

"Do you want to know what I got you today? These flowers are called iris. These are my favorite. They symbolize faith, hope, courage, and admiration. I have faith in God, and I am hopeful that you will wake up. You were so courageous when you jumped in front of me, and I admire you for that." Gen revealed. She always liked to find out the meaning of things and what they symbolized.

"Time passes by so fast. These are the last three days in your kingdom. It is such a pity that we weren't able to spend time together and get to know each other. I wish I would've gone back when the guards sent me away. I wish I would've stayed in my room when you asked me to. I wish I would've left when Clara demanded me to. I wish I wouldn't have aggravated her. I wish you wouldn't have covered me, and I would've been in this condition instead of you." Tears slipped out of her eyes as she poured her heart out. Her heart felt so heavy, and she had been trying to hold back since so long.

All of a sudden, she felt a hand on top of hers, trying to coax and soothe her. The moment she saw that it was Damien's, she realized that he had moved. She looked up and noticed that Damien was also awake, and she felt overjoyed.

"You're awake! Let me call the doctors." She stood up from her seat so that she could call the doctors, but Damien held her back and made her sit.

He slowly lifted his hand and brought it to Gen's face to wipe her tears. He hated seeing her sad or cry. Even though he was in a coma, he could hear every single thing she said, and the words were imprinted on his mind. He felt so comforted by her words, and she was his only motivation to wake up. He had no doubt that she was his mate.

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