Chapter 20: Conflict

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The next day Genevieve, Bella and Tristan gathered for breakfast before Tristan could go for training. Tristan noticed how Gen had large bags under her eyes, she seemed lost in her thoughts, and she wouldn't even touch her food, so he decided to inquire.

"Is something wrong? Did you not sleep well? Is there something wrong with the food?" Tristan questioned, but Gen gave no response. Tristan was slightly offended, so he moved on to Bella.

"She just has too much on her mind after what happened the other night." Bella replied.

It was true, Gen was horrified after hearing stories about what the women went through every day. It made her sick to her stomach. She was disturbed to a point where she couldn't sleep, and she even lost her appetite.

Tristan figured that everything would be fine after their conversation, but now it seemed like that was not the case. He placed his hand on top of Gen's and spoke, "Everything is fine."

But instead, the words angered Gen who abruptly shook Tristan's hand off of her and stood up from her seat. "Nothing is fine! How blindsided can you be to not realize what is going around you?" She taunted and then left the room.

Bella followed Gen, and Tristan was taken aback by the animosity. He didn't expect Gen to burst out like that and utter such words. The words made him think, and they also frustrated him. What had he missed?

Gen thought that having a discussion with Tristan would not be fruitful as she presumed that the women in the kingdom had talked to him and expected him to do something, but they were let down. She knew she could confide in Bella, so she decided to tell her everything. Bella was also alarmed to hear all the atrocities and jumped in to help the women.

The good part was that all women stood united, and they would help each other whenever they could. They would help each other and were tightly knit to each other. It took them some time to trust Gen and Bella, but soon they came along. Bella and Gen decided to educate them first, before helping them pursue their dreams. Gen took the initiative to teach them about their rights, and Bella taught them about businesses.

Gen and Bella were fascinated to see how ambitious and fast the women were, but a main obstacle still remained. The abuse they suffered from. Mostly mated female wolves were happy, but the unmated female wolves suffered. They were forced to mate with the male wolves to satisfy them. They would be used and then discarded. No one would dare to say anything to the male wolves since they would serve the army, and that made them invincible.

The girls realized that it was also important to educate the men of the kingdom and discuss the problems women faced along with their solutions. What they wanted for the women was for them to be treated equally, and for them to have the liberty to do, say, or practice whatever they want, and not have the men dictate them.

They also wanted to emphasize how the women should not be forced to mate with unmated men, and that they should be able to protect themselves, and not be dependent on men. Any man who would mistreat or abuse a women whether physically, verbally, or mentally should be held accountable.

So, they decided to have a meeting with the men, and approached them before they went for training. Little did the girls realize that the men would be the real problem.

"What do you mean that the women should be treated equally? Of course not, men will always be superior to women." One man suggested.

"Why should they go out and work? We are there to work for them." Another opposed.

"Who will run the house if we let the women work?" Another questioned.

"Women are weak and inferior, which is why we train to protect them. If we ask for something in return then it is their duty to provide us with it." Someone spoke.

"Stop feeding our women with such ideas and do what you're here to do. Whether we are mated or unmated, it is our business. A human girl should not tell us what to do and what not to do." One suggested, and the girls stood dumbfounded. It seemed as if the male wolves had a stick up their butt. They were arrogant, rude, obnoxious, and so full of themselves.

"If you won't comply, then we'll have no option but to leave." Bella announced, and the men smirked in response.

"With the women of this pack." Gen concluded, and the men's expressions soured. This time Gen and Bella were serious, they weren't just bluffing to check their reaction.

"In your dreams. We won't let our women go, no matter what. You'll have to cross us if you want to reach them." A man challenged.

"You are no match for us, we are far stronger." Another man spoke and then a wicked idea entered his mind. "I think we need to teach you two a lesson."

Gen and Bella could see the shift in their eyes, and their eyes were filled with evil, hunger, revenge and lust which disgusted them. They saw how the men stepped towards them, eyed them from head-to-toe, and catcalled them, which caused the girls to step back instinctively.

"You filthy monsters. Don't come close to us!" Bella shouted and her nervousness grew.

"Relax, we just want to have fun. We just want a taste." They uttered, and the words made Gen's skin crawl. She felt uneasy and revolted.

A man happened to get hold of Bella's arm and pulled her aggressively, causing her to flinch and scream. "Let me go!"

Soon after, a voice spoke. "We should go, it is time to train." Which caused the men to stop.

"You were lucky today, maybe some other day." A man spoke viscously, and then they left the girls alone.

Gen and Bella felt sick to their core. They were shaken up by the incident, especially Bella. She began to shake, and she had a purple bruise on her arm. Gen hugged her to calm her down and took her to the room to put some ointment. This incident was a traumatizing for them, and they felt unsafe. With a heavy heart, they made their way to Tristan. They never thought that they would take such a step, but now they felt that they had to. When Tristan saw them approaching, he sensed that something was wrong, and his heartbeat got faster.

"What happened to your arm?" He worriedly questioned Bella when he saw the purple bruise. "How did this happen?" He inspected her arm carefully, and he was genuinely concerned.

"We have something to tell you." Bella ignored his question and said this instead. Tristan had a feeling that what he would hear next would shake his world.

And it did.

"We want to leave this kingdom." Gen communicated.

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