Chapter 12: Regret

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Lucius really meant it when he said that he would amend his rules. It came as a shock to his pack to hear the new set of rules, especially being able to call their king by his name. He also received counselling and attended anger management classes.

Lucius and Gen would often bicker and argue about everything and nothing. Bella would often team up with Lucius and the two would tease and taunt Gen about how her 'punishment' was still pending and the three bonded really well. The three would spend time at the pottery place and Lucius was genuinely happy after a very long time in his life.

"Bella, have you seen my clothes? I remember packing them yesterday, but now they are gone." Gen asked. It was unusual and it had been happening since quite a few days. First her toiletries went missing, then her shoes and now her clothes. Something was fishy.

"LUCIUS!" Gen screamed and he appeared with a guilty expression on his face. He had been caught.

"Stop acting like a mischievous young boy and give my things back." Gen ordered.

"Don't go. It's too early. I'll talk to the other king; he'll manage without you. We have so much fun together. Please stay." Lucius whined like a baby.

"But I have to." Gen paused. "We'll meet again. I promise."

He handed back all her things and then the girls continued their packing. Lucius wanted to buy a gift for Gen and also wished to throw her a farewell party. She didn't get a warm welcome, but the time spent with her was incredibly special for Lucius.

He wanted to buy a meaningful gift. Something that would remind her of him. Something she would be able to keep with her forever. Lucius was very picky and hard to please. Pottery was a good option, but it would be heavy. Plus, they were travelling from kingdom to kingdom so there was the risk that it would break. He visited multiple shops before he found the perfect gift.

But his happiness didn't last long. He received a mind-link from the housekeeper that Gen and Bella were missing. Usually when they would go out, they would inform someone and leave with their guards. But their guards had no clue where they went, and it had been hours since they were out. Their things were still at the pack house, so they couldn't just leave.

He was going berserk. He rushed back to the pack house and began questioning the housekeeper and the guards left right and center.

"When was the last time you saw them?" He inspected.

"Six hours ago. I've mind linked several people in the pack, but no one spotted them recently." The housekeeper replied and Lucius screamed. Screamed because he felt frustrated, out of control and scared. Lucius' fears crept up, but he tried to put them aside. What if she got kidnapped? What if someone was trying to take revenge from him? What if someone was targeting her?

"Find them! Anyhow!" He ordered and his eyes turned red. He was an impatient person, and he just couldn't sit and wait. He ventured out in his kingdom and searched every possible place. He sat in the hall when the guards rushed inside with a horrendous expression on their face.

"Your Majesty, we have to tell you something." They stuttered during the sentence. Lucius' heart felt like it would fall out of his chest when he saw the two covered bodies being carried in. It was like life had been sucked out of him and he just kept hoping that it wasn't what he thought it was.

"We found-" They spoke but got interrupted by Lucius.

"NO!" Lucius shouted at them. "Don't utter a word."

He was in denial. He felt pained, defeated, and extremely upset. He couldn't think straight or calm his emotions.

"HOW CAN EVERYONE BE SO RECKLESS? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE KEEP AN EYE ON THEM?! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO THEM? WHY, WHY, WHY?!" He screamed. He wanted to blame everyone around him, but he mostly blamed himself. He failed to protect them and keep them safe.

He wanted to go back to his ruthless form. He wanted to destroy everything in front of him and punish every single person. He was ready to attack them and tear everything apart. But then his mind wandered back to Gen.

His Vee.

The sunshine in his dark world. The only one who was able to break his walls and make him happy. She was kind, caring and sweet. And Bella. They had become a trio. They were like the friends he never had. Both of them were such great humans. They didn't deserve this.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." His anger dissipated and all that remained was remorse. He kept muttering and tears slipped out of his eyes.

"Lucy?" As soon as the sound of the name entered Lucius' ears, he looked around till his eyes spotted Gen. He rushed up to her without wasting a second and hugged her.

"Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? Are you okay? You scared me!" Lucius bombarded her with questions.

"We were sitting on the roof, listening to music, and watching the sunset. Bella fell asleep on my shoulder so I couldn't move." She revealed.

"Please inform someone next time. I was so scared. On top of that, the guards brought these bodies. I was terrified." He was furious and motioned everyone else to leave.

"Lucius, I observed you a while ago. I could see the fury in your eyes and realized how close you were to destroying everything in front of you. Despite it all, you held it in and didn't take out your anger on anyone. That is what matters." Gen spoke, patting his back. He had been working on his anger management issues and it showed.

"Vee, I have to apologize." Lucius spoke. "The punishment, it was all just a joke. And a very bad joke. I realized today how insensitive it was and how it must have felt for you. I assure you that I never planned to hurt you, even as a joke. I will never do such a thing again. I'm really sorry."

Gen accepted his heartfelt apology. Lucius never left her side after that. All this mayhem made him forget something really importantly, but thankfully he remembered before it was late.

"I have something for you. Please don't reject it." Lucius uttered. He revealed a pair of beautiful sun and moon earrings, which were cute but elegant at the same time.

"These are so pretty Lucius! I love them." She wore them immediately and flaunted them.

For Lucius, they were perfect. The moon carried a lot of meaning for him as a werewolf. But for him she was like the sun. She brought light into his world. Without her, he was nothing. She completed him and fulfilled the meaning of his name.

"I got you something too." Gen spoke excitedly. What she brought in was a surprise for Lucius.

"A candle?" Lucius was confused.

"It's a scented candle, used in aromatherapy. It has essential oils which can help with reducing anger, and they have calming and restorative effects." She spoke and Lucius was in awe of her. He smelled it and it smelled like chamomile. But little did Gen know that her presence was enough to soothe Lucius' anger. But since she had to travel to other kingdoms, the candle would suffice.

"My wolf is itching to meet you. Would you mind?" Lucius questioned and Gen didn't have an issue.

It was fascinating for Gen to see a human transform into a wolf, and she couldn't even fathom how it would be for them. She had read up about it a lot but experiencing it was completely different. Lucius' wolf was jet black in color, and Gen was awestruck by its beauty. The wolf was also evidently happy, it howled and rolled, causing Gen to laugh. They played and stayed together the entire night. The wolf felt at peace, and it needed nothing else anymore.

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