Chapter 23: Unwelcome

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It felt great to be back. Gen and Bella lived together in a two-bedroom apartment. Their own room, their own bed, their own kitchen. They treasured everything after they came back. And most importantly...

"MY PHONE! I've missed you." Bella squealed. She felt as if she came back to life.

"Can you imagine we spent a month without our phone and internet?" Although the detox sort of felt nice, but they often found themselves missing their phones.

They went back to their routine and normal life. The last month they spent felt like a dream. Sometimes they even questioned themselves. 'Did that really happen?' They did miss the places they visited, the people the met, and most importantly, the kings. They were all so unique and different. They had some ups and downs with each one of them, but in the end they sorted it out and left each kingdom on a good note.

The girls wished to remember only the good moments, and happy memories. They pondered about their own actions as well, and they admitted that they had made some mistakes as well. They were upset that they didn't have pictures with the kings, but they had memories and gifts from the kings which they knew they would treasure forever.

Each gift was special, and meant held a different meaning for Gen. She decided to hang the portrait Damien gave her in her room, and wore the necklace, earrings, and wristlet at all times. The same case was with Bella.

They even missed going to work, but now that they were back, they didn't want to. Work was hectic, but it paid well. They had good work-friends and a fair boss. They received a warm 'welcome back' when they reached, but they were bombarded with work, meetings, and deadlines, which frustrated Gen. But information they received next was what blew their minds.

"You have invited whom?" Gen asked just to confirm.

"The werewolf kings." Her boss revealed, and Gen and Bella had completely opposite expressions- one was indifferent and the other was excited.

"What does that have to do with us? We've done our job." Gen defended and internally prayed that she wouldn't have to get involved with the kings again.

"They took such great care of you two when you both visited. It is only right if you two welcome them and host them in our kingdom." Gen scoffed when he said, 'good care' and was about to express her displeasure about the entire ordeal, but Bella spoke first.

"That is a great idea. We would love to!" Bella exclaimed, and Gen looked at her dumbfoundedly.

"What are you doing?" Gen whispered in Bella's ear in a scolding tone.

"That's great. We sent them the invites yesterday, so they should be reaching today." Her boss spoke, and Gen wanted to forfeit, but her boss wouldn't listen. "In fact, any second now." His boss spoke as he looked at his watch. Gen held her forehead, preparing herself for what was to come.

"They're here!" Someone announced, and Bella jumped in excitement, while Gen was forcefully handed over four bouquets.

The kings entered one by one, suited perfectly, and dressed charmingly. All eyes were on them as they walked in, and one could confuse them for models. They were loving the attention as the women ogled them, but their eyes eagerly searched for just one person.


But instead, when they were greeted by the other kings, their expression changed to an arrogant one.

"What are they doing here?" The kings spoke at the same time since they had presumed that they would be the only one invited.

"Welcome to the Central Kingdom!" Bella greeted them wholeheartedly, and snatched the bouquets from Gen.

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