Chapter 31: Storm

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'A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early.'
It was Gen's favorite quote from her favorite movie. She never thought it would apply to her, but surprisingly it did. That was the mindset she had as she entered the room filled with people.
The preparations took her longer than she expected. But it was for her kings.
It felt surreal for her to say that. She couldn't believe it to date. Although they seemed to have chosen the wrong day to hold the party since it seemed like it was going to rain heavily, and the kings frantically asked about her whereabouts.
She had to admit that she took a little extra time to look special for her mates. She usually dressed down and wore comfortable clothes rather than flashy ones. But today, she wanted to show the kings a different side of her. She wanted to look elegant, poise, and professional.
Gen grabbed all the attention when she entered the room, but she only wanted the attention of a selective few. But surprisingly, those few had an alarmed expression on their face. Gen coughed to get them out of their trance, and they inspected her as soon as they realized she was there.
"Are you fine?" "What took you so long?" "Do you have any idea how worried we were?" The kings spoke one after another.
"Don't worry, I am fine. It always gets hectic when it is about to rain," She defended, and the kings calmed down.
But there was still something that bothered them. They hoped that they were mistaken. But it couldn't be all four of them. They all saw it. The same mark. At the same place. But...
They tried to forget what they saw and tried to focus on Gen. She looked spectacular. She was a beauty with brains. She could wear a plastic bag and still look gorgeous.
"Did you see Bella?" Gen inquired, and the kings did see her, but she vanished soon after.
Gen went around asking about Bella and trying to find her. Turned out she was in the restroom, trying to fix her dress.
"Bella, you look... wow! Trust me, only you can pull off such a dress," Gen revealed, and Bella complained, "I don't know. I am a little skeptical. It is a bit too risqué and shows off too much skin."
"If you feel uncomfortable, you should change. Don't worry, I will manage everything here," Gen offered, and Bella was grateful for that.
Bella was on her way out when her biggest fear came true. She heard the sound of her dress ripping apart and she tried to cover it immediately. Her mind started to panic since all eyes were on her. But in a split second, the kings rushed over and covered her from all sides.
Bella felt extremely embarrassed that she had suffered a wardrobe malfunction in front of prestigious guests. But she was glad that the kings covered for her at the right time, or else it could've been worse.
"We'll take you back home," Tristan spoke, assuring her that everything was going to be fine. But Bella was frozen, and she couldn't react.
"I'll inform Gen that we're all leaving with her," Markus spoke, and decided to leave her a message.
Lucius decided to cover her with his jacket, and Markus picked her up and took her to the car. It started to rain, and they were all drenched in it. Bella started to cry because what happened was humiliating and she felt like she would never be able to show her face again.
"Bell, it is okay. You're fine, you're safe," Damien tried to console her.  "You may haven't noticed it, but we were faster than light and covered you immediately. No one saw anything."
It took Bella a few seconds to realize that the party was held for the kings and they had left with her, which meant...
"I ruined it. I ruined the whole party. You all were the chief guests. You were supposed to be there, not with me," She felt upset, but the kings weren't bothered by that.
They took Bella home and gave her privacy so she could change into something comfortable. They wanted to make sure that she was fine before they left. They also wanted to ask her a few things, but it didn't seem like the right time to ask since she seemed shaken up.
Bella was soon able to calm her nerves and gather her thoughts.
"Thank you so much for saving me. I don't know what would've happened if it weren't for you all," Bella thanked the kings, and then rambled on about her dress. "I am never wearing something like that ever again. I had a feeling something bad would happen. I am going to sue the person who designed such a piece of clothing!"
"Calm down, such accidents happen. But it is good that you're fine now," Lucius spoke, and gestured to Markus to come to the topic.
"This might sound a little out of the blue, but do you have any tattoos?" He inquired, and Bella shook her head.
"No way, I am too scared of needles," She confessed.
"So, do you have any idea whether Evie has a birthmark or a tattoo?" Damien questioned, and Bella retorted, "Not that I know of. Why would you ask such things all of a sudden?"
The kings didn't know what to say, but Bella was able to grasp the situation.
"I get it. Did you manage to see my birthmark?" Bella pointed out, and the kings were in disbelief. She pulled her trousers just a little for the kings to take a peek at her mark, and there was no doubt that it was what they thought it was.
"Do you know what this is?" Tristan quizzed Bella, and she nodded her head.
"My guardian told me about it when I was young. She told me that it is a powerful mark, and it holds a lot of significance. She also told me to keep it covered, and not show it to anyone since it could mean bad luck. But I don't believe in such things," Bella disclosed, and the kings were thrown off by this information.
They decided to communicate through mind-link, what they should do next. They were in a very messy situation, and they had to figure something out.
They decided to go back to Gen's place so they could think about everything and come to a conclusion. They had Genevieve waiting for them, and they also had a surprise in store for them.
But just as they were about to leave, Bella convulsed and fell to the floor.
"Bella, are you okay? What's wrong?" Markus rushed and checked her body temperature. She was burning and she seemed restless.
"Hurry, get the medicines and get a cloth and a bowl of cold water," Tristan instructed Markus and Lucius, and they did as they were told. Bella seemed to be in excruciating pain, and the kings were taken aback since she was fine just a few minutes ago. They thought that it was because of the rain that she fell sick. But then something magical happened.
Suddenly Bella's body temperature came down and she felt as if she was back to normal. But it didn't last for long. Her body temperature shot up unexpectedly, and the kings were confused about what was going on.
All of a sudden, the kings felt a faint smell. A smell which they were familiar with. A smell which they couldn't ignore. It called to them like they were hungry wolves, and the kings looked at each other as if realization dawned upon them.

Bella was in heat.

Author's Note:
Hi everyone! I hope you liked the chapter. How many of you expected this to happen? Please let me know your thoughts about the story. Lots of love xoxo

Happy reading!

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