Chapter 29: Leap of Faith

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Gen knew this moment would come, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. Although her mind convinced her that it was for the best, but her heart felt upset.

"There is probably a better queen out there somewhere." She consoled the kings, but she was mostly consoling herself. Hearing her remark made the kings eyes' go wide.

"Oh Goddess, no. I think you got the wrong idea from our words." Markus clarified. "There is no other queen out there anywhere. It is either you or no one else."

"The problem was... us." The kings spoke together.

Gen was confused to hear his words, and sensing her expression, Tristan clarified. "Considering our history, werewolves and humans always have prejudices about each other. We had them and you did too. But to truly accept you as our mate, we had to let it all go and see you from a broader perspective."

"So, what if things are difficult in the start? We'll get through them together. You have flaws and we do too. But you never belittled us and instead helped us overcome them. And that is what our relationship is about. We are five different personalities, and our goal is to help each other become the best version of ourselves." Lucius uttered.

"We always had the perception that 'we have to' or 'we have no other choice'. Like this relationship was imposed on us by the moon goddess and that it was an obligation. But we failed to realize that it was a blessing and that we are truly lucky to have you as our mate." Damien concluded.

Gen was so touched to hear the words which were the complete opposite of what she had anticipated. She loved how they clarified everything, and she could feel her heart drift towards them. Their moment was interrupted when Gen received a phone call and then she excused herself.

"I'm sorry, I need to go. We'll talk once I come back." Gen stated and then left. The kings felt upset to be left like this after such a heartfelt conversation and confession. But then they received a call from Bella and thought that it would be a good distraction to meet her.

"I've missed you all. What is wrong? Why do you have a long face?" She addressed the kings.

The kings were unaware about how much Gen shared with Bella and they weren't sure if Gen would be fine with Bella knowing about them, so they shifted the topic.

"Bella, do you know a deserted place where we can shift and go for a run? We haven't shifted in a while and our wolf is itching to come out." They explained and Bella thought about it.

"We can go to the outskirts, but it'll be a long drive." Bella clarified and the kings agreed.

When they reached the place, the kings stood tall till their bones cracked, the fur creeped out of their skin, and they shifted. Each wolf was distinct but equally beautiful. Bella was in awe as she watched them run and sprint. The kings were actually releasing all the pent-up stress and tension. They felt a mix of emotions and found it difficult to regulate them. They had to cool off and this was the best way to do so. The kings felt in their element, and they felt free. They missed the adrenaline rush and the cool wind hit their face as they ran. But even as they ran, their mind was crowded by the thoughts of Genevieve, wondering what she might be doing, who she might be with and how she might be feeling.

When they shifted back to their human form, Bella couldn't help but ogle. "You all are so hot; your mate would be so lucky." She remarked. They smiled thinking about their mate, and they couldn't wait to go back to her.

"Gen told me some time back that you found your mate and that you all have the same mate. That is so cool." Bella spoke and the kings nodded. "When did you meet her and how did you know she was your mate? Are you all okay with having the same mate? Sorry for the questions, I'm just too curious." She inquired.

"I remember the first time that we saw our mate, she was a baby, and the only identifiable feature was her birthmark." Markus mentioned.

"We felt this connection with her that we never felt before. We just knew it was her." Damien added.

"Initially, we didn't like the fact that we had the same mate." Lucius admitted.

"But now I feel like it is for the best." Tristan answered, and all the kings had started to feel this way. They didn't know when, how and why, but they had accepted and embraced the fact.

When the kings reached home, they saw Gen in her room, lost in her thoughts. When she noticed the kings, she motioned them to come inside her room and sit.

"Did you all miss me so much? I had the hiccups for the longest time." Gen joked and the kings nodded with a smile.

"How was your day? What did you do today?" They asked and Gen answered, "I was just reading my diary and thinking about the first time I met you all. I never imagined that our fate would be intertwined. The kind of person I was looking for was sophisticated, responsible, and humorous. You all were far from it." Hearing the words made the kings' hearts sink.

"All this time, I kept focusing on your negatives, but there is so much good in all of you." Gen voiced out.

"I've never seen someone who loves themselves like Markus or instills fear but in reality is a coconut like Lucius. Damien is quite but so kind, and Tristan does so much for his kingdom and his people. You see, it was not until this morning that I saw you all, not as kings but as normal individuals." Gen elaborated, and the kings saw a glimmer of hope.

"Darius. When I first wrote the name, it was just something I came up with and I never thought we would meet and get to rediscover each other. I think they were the small things that grew on me- the gifts, the consolation, the honesty, and the adoration." She took a pause. "I didn't realize when I got so attracted and so attached. But now I think I'm ready- ready for this gamble, to take this leap of faith."

The kings' minds went haywire. Just before this conversation, they were filled with hope, and they felt rejuvenated. Now everything felt like it was going down the drain.

"Gen, stop. I don't know why you're doing this, but we can't hear you talk about someone else. It's like you're playing with our emotions." They lashed out, unable to control their emotions.

"You don't get it do you? Darius is an alias for all four of you. You all are Darius. Do you understand now? I am ready to be your mate!"

Author's Note: 

Happy New Year my loves! I hope you all have an amazing year ahead, which is filled with love, happiness and goodness. 

Ending the chapter at a good note today. I initially planned to have 30 chapters for this story, but now I'm planning to add 10 extra chapters. Let me know if that is a good idea.

Lots of love, take care, stay safe xoxo

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