Chapter 35: Birthday

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Birthdays were cursed for Genevieve. She remembered that on her 6th birthday, she was traumatized by a clown. She spent her 8th birthday in the hospital since she had typhoid fever. On her 9th birthday, when she finally got the gift that she wanted, she ended up losing it the same day. She scraped her leg on her 14th birthday. When she grew up, she planned her own birthday party for her 18th birthday. But that too was spoiled due to the rain. Things never seemed to work out for her that day. But she still tried to maintain a positive outlook.

She hoped that this year would be different, and she would finally be able to lift the curse. She finally had people in her life who celebrated and treasured her. She was so sure that they would plan something special for her. The kings were confident when they told her that she was their mate. She could tell that they were sincere. Initially, she had a lot of doubts. She was hesitant. She took her time. But in the end, she accepted them.

But everything came to an end before it could even officially start. She did get a surprise. But it was not what she had imagined. How could it be? She never thought such a thing would happen. She had such an overload that she wasn't able to think. She was hurt and angry at the revelation. She felt deceived and betrayed. It hurt more than any other break up she ever had, and she cried her eyes out when she realized that they had left.

But she knew that there was no point crying over spilled milk. Bella was their mate, and she was Gen's best friend. For werewolves, their mates are destined, and they can't choose their own mate. The bond was sacred, and she knew what it meant to them. She knew that the right thing to do was for the kings to be with Bella. She didn't know how the kings felt about Bella, but she was against the idea of the kings having two mates. She didn't wish to be the sixth person in their relationship. She wasn't even their true mate, so their relationship would not make sense.

She wanted to forget everything that happened and treat it as a misunderstanding. Genevieve wanted to move on. Just because she wasn't the king's real mate didn't mean the end of the world. She was still young, and she had a life ahead of her. She made up her mind and started her day with a renewed sense of hope and drive.

The kings, on the other hand, were a mess. They genuinely wanted to give Bella a chance and wanted to make it work. But there was something stopping them. The kings wished that they were humans. At least they would be able to choose their own partner. They wouldn't be bound by the mate-bond, and their fate wouldn't be predetermined. They were angry that they didn't have a choice and they couldn't follow their hearts. They were frustrated but helpless.

Something just didn't feel right. They felt lost and incomplete. Something was missing. They knew there was a piece that they were forcefully trying to fit in. But it just didn't fit. Nothing could console them or make them feel better.

"I'm going to meet Gen, and I am taking a cake for her birthday, you all should come and join us," Bella invited the kings, but the kings doubted that Gen would want to meet them. They told Bella that they would take a raincheck even though they wanted to see her desperately.

Maybe it was the fact that it was Gen's birthday that dampened their mood further. They looked at the gifts that they got for her. But now they didn't even have the guts to face her, forget giving her a gift. Even if they tried to give it to her, the kings doubted that she would accept them.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday my dearest Genevieve. Happy birthday to you," Bella sang and clapped as Gen blew the candles and cut the cake. She made a wish and tried to look at the brighter side.

Gen didn't wish to celebrate her birthday or meet anyone. She wanted to stay isolated in her room and sulk. But Bella arranged a surprise for her, and she wasn't going to take no for an answer. She was a tough nut to crack, and she managed to convince Gen somehow.

"Gen, I have to tell you about something major!" Bella squealed, and she couldn't hold in her happiness. Sensing her mood, Gen knew what it was about, and she braced herself for it.

"I am the king's mate!" She announced, and Gen tried to act surprised, but she wasn't able to do a decent job at that.

"Come on, don't act surprised. I know you already knew about it," Bella countered, and Gen felt a little awkward. Had the kings told her about everything? Well, Gen knew that they wouldn't hide it from her, and they would have to tell her eventually.

"When you asked me all those weird questions about the kings and their mate, I did start to get a little suspicious. But I was completely blown away when it turned out to be a reality," Bella revealed, causing Gen to push back her thoughts. Bella went on and on about her and the kings, and Gen tried to put on a happy face, but it became harder and harder as she rambled on.

Although she was a little upset, she didn't have any hard feelings for Bella. She knew it wasn't her fault, and she didn't want to lose her as a friend. Gen truly wanted to be happy for Bella, but it was difficult for her.

Bella could tell that something was wrong with Gen's mood and decided to ask, "What happened? Is everything fine?"

Gen tried to pretend that everything was fine, but there was something eating her inside. She felt like there was a heavy burden on her chest, and she wanted to come clean with Bella. She knew that there was a possibility that it might ruin their friendship, and it would be hard on Bella. But she didn't wish to lie or keep her in the dark. So, she contemplated and decided to tell her. But before she could, Bella handed over a present.

"I got you a gift," Bella told her with a smile, and even though Gen was hesitant, she couldn't refuse. Gen opened it up, and she saw a pair of shoes.

"They say good shoes take you to good places," Bella spoke, and Gen felt like it was the perfect gift considering her situation at the moment, and she was grateful to Bella for it.

Gen saw how happy Bella was and decided not to tell her. She thought no good would come out of it, and they should let bygones remain as bygones. It would be for the best if they didn't hover over the past and focused on the future.

Gen put on a fake smile to make it through the day, and she could finally get rid of it when she departed with Bella. She was on her way home when she received an unexpected call from the kings. She ignored it since she didn't feel like talking to them, but they kept ringing her again and again. A thought crossed Gen's mind that there may be an emergency, so she decided to pick up their call.

"Is everything alright?" She questioned, and the kings replied with a 'No'.

"What happened? Is Bella fine? Do I come to her place?" She started to get worked up. She just met Bella a few minutes ago, and she was fine back then.

"It is not Bella, it is us," They confessed, and Gen asked, "What happened to you all? Don't worry you will be fine soon." She tried to console them, but she didn't wish to show that she cared a lot about them.

"It hurts," They whined like babies, and Gen felt tensed.

"I am coming to Bella's place, and we can visit the doctor together," Gen suggested, but the kings refused.

"We're not at Bella's place, and it is not something that the doctor can fix," They answered, and Gen was confused.

"What do you mean? Where does it hurt?" She asked the kings, and she had the feeling that she knew their answer. She was just about to ask where they were, but as she walked up the stairs, she got a hunch that she knew where they were. And her suspicions were right. They stood in front of her.

Right outside her apartment door.

Withcake in their hands.

Author's Note:
Hi everyone! I hope you're well. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. It is so much fun reading your comments and theories.
Lots of love xoxo
Happy reading!

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