Chapter 28: Compromise

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The kings knew they had to be patient in order to win her over, but soon enough, their patience started to run out.

"I don't care, I'm taking her back to my kingdom." Lucius announced out of frustration.

"That is not how things work. Plus, she isnt only your mate, she is ours too." Tristan justified. They had to be really careful around Gen because even the slightest thing could ruin their case.

The kings hated to admit, but they had started to have doubts too.

"Will she really be able to handle all the responsibilities?" Markus questioned.

"She does tend to get overwhelmed easily. She is a human after all." Damien confessed.

The kings were confused how to proceed. Or whether they even wanted to proceed.

'She is our mate, our only chance. We just have to bear with it no matter what.' The thought lingered in their minds and that is what kept them going.

They went to visit Gen at her work. She had been acting strange ever since the revelation and felt really awkward around the kings. She didn't feel at her best either. She messed up things at work, misplaced files, forgot about her deadlines and all she could thing about were the kings.

"Genevieve, this is so unlike you. You're the one who is always on top of things, and you've made such blunders. What is going on with you?" Her boss scolded and Gen hung her head in embarrassment. She knew she was one of the key people at her workplace and she had huge responsibilities on her shoulder. One wrong move and it would have major repercussions for the Central Kingdom.

"I'm sorry, I'll fix everything and get it done by tomorrow." She knew she would have to pull an all-nighter for the number of problems she had created for herself.

Bella came over to her cabin and saw Gen's face and the pile of files lying on her desk. "What are these? Weren't you supposed to be done with them yesterday? Gosh, you got a great task ahead of you."

Gen felt like banging her head on a wall and felt annoyed to have an excruciating amount of pending work.

"You know what you need right now? A good coffee and a hearty meal. Look at your face, all dried up. We're going to have some yummy food and then we'll come back, and I'll help you finish this mess." Bella offered and Gen realized it was the consolation she needed.

They went to a nearby café and offered some food and coffee. Bella noticed that Gen was distracted and decided to question her. "How are things between you and the kings?"

Gen felt flustered as soon as Bella mentioned the kings. "Me? The kings? Nothing is going on between us. Everything is fine. What can happen between us?"

Bella thought her reaction was weird and decided to clarify. "I meant are you all getting along? What do you all do these days? I miss you all so much! I'll come visit soon."

Gen felt stupid for overreacting, but she didn't know what to tell Bella. 'I am their mate, so they want to be with me. But like I'm a human and they are werewolves, and I already have a boyfriend, and I am one, and they are four, so yeah, things are a little confusing.'

"The food is here. Let's eat." Gen spoke. They ate and talked about work and random things. Gen was really grateful to have Bella by her side. When they went back to work, their boss smiled at them, and Gen felt unsure as to why.

"You know Gen, this is why you're our best employee. I don't know how you pulled this off, but I am so impressed. I checked everything and it is all fine. You can head back home now. Enjoy your weekend." Their boss spoke and the girls were left confused and speechless.

"What just happened?" Bella questioned, but Gen was quick to understand what had happened.

The kings had witnessed the incident which happened between Gen and her boss. They felt mostly responsible for her current state, and they felt hurt to see her get scolded. It was hard for them to resist but they held back their emotions and spared her boss. But when they saw her all upset, they couldn't just sit there and do nothing. So, when Gen and Bella went to have dinner, the kings sat in her cabin and got all the stuff done.

"How does her boss expect her to do all this by herself?" Tristan was furious to see the stack on her desk.

"So, we can divide them in 3 stacks, you all do the manual work and I'll give you all instructions. Sounds good?" Markus suggested and Lucius gave him a blazing look.

"Get your ass here and help us or forget about Vee." Lucius threatened and it was enough for Markus to start working.

"As far as I know her, I know that she is the independent type who likes to work on her own and doesn't like to ask for help. I don't know how she would react to this. What if she doesn't like it and lashes out on us?" Damien questioned and the kings agreed that he did have a point.

"I don't know. We'll just keep everything back at it's place and make it seem like no one came to her cabin." Markus suggested.

"Yeah, and it was the ghost who did all her work." Lucius mocked and everyone except for Markus laughed.

"You know what, even if she scolds us, we just have to face it." Tristan spoke and they all nodded.

"Or we can put all the blame on Markus and say that it was his idea." Lucius joked, and Markus retaliated by hitting him with a file. A small file-fight commenced between Markus and Lucius, which was interrupted by Damien who convinced them to focus on their work.

Gen laughed and felt teary-eyed as she saw the CCTV footage of the kings and their antics as they got all the work done for her. She felt so conflicted at her way back, but she knew how she should react.

The kings always waited desperately for Gen to come back and would rush out as soon as they would hear the main door open. They all stood at the entrance smiling like goofballs, while Gen stayed silent and expressionless.

"How was your day today?" Damien questioned, trying to break the silence.

"A ghost did all my work for me, so I didn't have to spend the entire night at work." Gen spoke in a serious tone, and the kings stood as if they were thieves who were caught.

"It was Markus'-" Lucius began to say but Markus covered his mouth, and Gen couldn't help but smile.

"We just-" Tristan tried to clarify but Gen interrupted him midway.

"Thank you for what you all did today. I really appreciate it." Gen uttered. "But-"

"Urgh, here comes the 'but'" Markus whined.

"This whole thing just made me realize that I'm not fit to me the queen. I can't even handle these responsibilities; I can't even imagine how it will be like when there are four kingdoms." She laid down her concerns.

"This morning, we felt the same. We weren't sure if you'd be able to handle the pressure." Lucius confessed and hearing it from him felt like a dagger to Gen's heart.

"We often tell ourselves that you're our only mate and we don't have any other choice." Damien spoke with a heavy heart and Gen braced herself for what they were going to say next...

Author's Note:

Hi everyone. Merry Christmas! I am so sorry for being inactive. I love updating and hearing back from you all. You all have been so kind and I honestly don't deserve the love you all pour. Thanks for sticking around, lots of love xoxo

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