Chapter 34: Confession

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There was a lump in their throats. How do they confess such a thing? They didn't know where to start. But they had to start somewhere. None of them wished to say it out loud because saying it out loud would mean that they were admitting it. They looked at each other to see who would go first and break the news to her, but none of them were ready. Tristan always prided himself on being the eldest, so the kings pushed him to go first.

"It is true that we weren't sick. There was no virus, and it was nothing contagious," He revealed and then motioned Markus to continue, "But we weren't planning a surprise either." They felt so devastated since the birthday was on their minds ever since they found out about it, but now that it was close, they weren't able to do anything about it.

"Relax, it is not a big deal. I was just teasing you all," Gen countered to make them feel less guilty, but there was still something that bugged her. "But then why did you do such a drama?"

"We weren't sick, but Bella was," Lucius explained, and Damien continued, "We had to stay at Bella's place for a while, and we couldn't think of any other excuses."

"You should've just told me the truth. It wasn't like I was going to stop you all from staying at her place. In fact, I would've also stayed there with you all," Gen retorted, but she didn't know about the entire scenario yet.

"Eve. Bella's sickness was a little different. It couldn't be cured through medicines," Tristan tried to explain, but Gen misunderstood what he meant.

"What? Is it serious? Does she need to visit a doctor or go to the hospital?" Gen asked, but the kings shook their heads.

"Bella was in... heat," Lucius confessed, and Gen didn't fully understand what they meant.

"Heat is a period of 5-7 days where female werewolves undergo various changes and sensations which are meant to bring them closer to their mate," Damien simplified it for Gen to understand, but she wasn't able to grasp it yet.

"But Bella isn't a female werewolf, she is a human," Gen reasoned with them, but it was a first for the kings as well.

"We know, which was why we were shocked too. But that meant just one thing," Markus hesitated, but they had to stop beating around the bush.

"She is our mate," They spoke together, and Gen was shocked to hear their words. She stood still for a few minutes, but then let out a laugh.

"You all are such brilliant actors that I almost fell for it. But that is actually a very bad cover up. You just cannot lie to me. I will not fall for this," Gen was unable to accept their words and thought that they were joking. But the kings felt helpless. They looked at her with their sad eyes, and Gen started to feel confused.

"Why are you all looking at me like that. You're joking, right?" She tried to confirm, but the kings were unable to say a word.

"Come on. You're scaring me. This isn't funny anymore," The smile on Gen's face faded, and it was replaced with worry. "But how is this possible? You told me that you all have just one mate, which is me." The kings couldn't even face her anymore, and their heads hung low.

"Say something, please," She begged, and tears started to well up in her eyes.

"We're sorry," They spoke, and they couldn't see her like this. They never wanted to be the ones who caused her pain and tears. They didn't know why this was happening or how it happened. They wished that they could turn back time, and change everything. But now there was nothing they could do.

"It is true that we all thought that you were our mate ever since we first met you," Lucius tried to convince her, but Gen was still in shock.

"How can you all be wrong then?" She asked the kings, and they beat themselves up for it too. How did they deserve to be kings if they couldn't even recognize their real mate?

"How long have you known that Bella is your mate?" Gen inquired in a low tone.

"Since the party," Markus was embarrassed to admit it.

"Are you sure that Bella is your true mate, and not... me?" Gen asked disappointedly, and the kings had to tell her the truth.

"We saw a birthmark on Bella, which we also saw on our mate when she was a baby," Damien mentioned, "And the heat also confirmed our suspicions."

Gen was numb and speechless. She couldn't think, and she didn't know how to react. There was an earthquake in her heart. All her dreams and hopes were shattered. It was a mind-boggling situation for her, and she closed her eyes tight, praying that it was a dream.

But it wasn't.

Gen was reminded of the time when she saw them eating together and the thoughts that came into her mind. She ignored those feelings, but they turned out to be real. She saw how they were together, and she didn't even wish to think about all that would have or could have happened during the period of heat. It was like a dagger to her heart, and she didn't know what it meant for her.

But Gen knew some things for sure. She knew how much a mate meant to werewolves, and it was only proper for the kings to be with their mate.

She could tell from the king's demeanor that their feelings were wavering, and they were conflicted. It was a painful thing for her to see, and it was scary how things could change overnight. She wasn't sure what the kings had in mind or how they wanted to proceed, but she made up her mind about what she had to do, and she knew that it was the right thing.

"Does Bella know that she is your mate?" She questioned, and the kings shook their heads. The kings didn't feel like it was right to tell Bella before Gen because things would just get messy then.

"What are you all waiting for then? You should go and tell her," Gen urged them, but the kings didn't feel like it was right.

That was not the reaction that they expected from Gen, and they felt odd. They didn't wish to go back to Bella, and they wanted to stay with Genevieve. But Gen urged them to go to Bella, and she locked herself in her room.

The kings watched her walk away, but they couldn't gather the guts to stop her. They felt like they had no right anymore. They contemplated whether they should tell Bella that she was their mate. They were conflicted because if they tell her then there will be no going back. But if they don't then they weren't being honest with her. They felt that she also deserved to know, and they also had to take her opinion into consideration.

"You are our mate," The kings told Bella, and then explained to her the entire ordeal. The kings told her about the birthmark, the heat, and that they lied, but they couldn't get themselves to tell her about Gen.

"This is too much to take in," She took a deep breath and then spoke, "All four of you. Werewolves and kings. As my mate? This feels like a dream. I am so honored to be your mate," Bella confessed because she was overwhelmed with emotions. She was a bundle of emotions- happy, shocked, nervous, and pleasantly surprised.

The kings weren't as happy as they should've been, but what was done was done. Bella, on the other hand, was over the moon.

"I need to mark this day in my calendar. This day is so special for me, I want to remember it forever," She raved, and then marked it on her calendar.

"Oh, I didn't realize when the clock struck twelve," She cheered, and then it suddenly dawned on the kings.

It was Genevieve's birthday.

Author's Note:
Happy 100K reads! Well, not so happy considering that it was a sad chapter. *hides* Thank you so much for reading ❤️
Lots of love xoxo
Happy reading!

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