Chapter 36: Closure

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The kings were in anguish. They were depressed. They started to argue with each other and would fight over the most absurd things. They knew why all of it was happening, but they didn't know what to do to rectify it. They knew that nothing that they would do would heal the ache in their hearts. But they couldn't live in regret. It was a tough call, but it was like their feet led them to Gen's place.

Gen was flabbergasted to see them. Even more so when she saw what they brought. Since they didn't bring one cake. They brought four. She would've been happy to see them but not anymore. She had a moment of weakness, but she knew she had to be stern with them.

"Please leave," she told them politely, crushing the kings' hearts, but they still gave it a try.

"Can we come in just once?" They asked, and Gen gave it a thought. The way she parted with the kings was very tragic, and everything happened so suddenly. She knew that they needed closure, and so did she. So, she opened the door and offered them to come in. They sat in the lounge and placed all the cakes on the table. There was a chocolate cake, a black forest cake, a vanilla pineapple cake, and a cheesecake.

The atmosphere in the room was really tense, so it was Gen who tried to lighten up the mood.

"I didn't know that there were four birthdays today," She cracked a joke, but Markus didn't understand and clarified.

"No, no," he told her sheepishly.

"Then why did you bring so many cakes? Who is going to eat all this?" Gen questioned, and she had a valid concern. The kings were a bit embarrassed now when they realized what they had done. They had bought the cakes impulsively, fought at the cake shop about what Gen's favorite cake would be, and in the end, decided to get one of each.

"All of these are for you," Lucius revealed, and they all hesitated before saying, "Happy Birthday."

Gen was touched by their gesture and was happy to hear that they remembered her birthday, but deep down she was sad.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to bring this," she told them formally, but the kings felt that this was the least they could do. They actually wanted to do so much more, but due to their circumstances, they couldn't.

"Which one do you like the most?" Tristan inquired since the kings actually had a bet. Gen looked at all four and then looked at the kings.

"My favorite..." She contemplated for a while, and the kings waited for her to answer, "Is the coffee cake."

Hearing her answer, the kings felt disappointed as they all lost the bet. The bet was that the ones who would lose would have to smash their face in the cake they chose. The kings were about to do that when Gen stopped them and asked them what they were doing?

"We feel like losers. We thought we knew everything about you but turns out that we don't even know your favorite cake," Damien revealed, and Gen replied rudely, "You shouldn't have got them in the first place. I already cut a cake with Bella, and that too we shared with the rest of the staff. You should give these cakes to the needy."

The kings were taken aback by her harsh words. They felt gloomy when they heard her response, but she did have a point. Still, they hoped that she would cut the cake with them, and they would eat it together. They wished that they could forget what happened for a few moments and put their worries at bay. But unfortunately, their happy days were over, and now they were filled with sorrow.

The kings looked at Gen, and they felt emotional to see how much had changed between them. They knew they hurt her. They knew they were to be blamed. But they didn't want things to end like this. They had so much they wished to do with her. They had an unsettling feeling which wouldn't let them stay in peace.

"We miss you," they told her, and Gen was surprised when they told her. She didn't expect them to say such a thing, but she didn't wish to get her hopes up either. She knew she had to be strong and stoic. She couldn't falter or waver.

"You shouldn't say that," she told them, but the kings held her hand.

"But it is true. And no matter how much we try to push our feelings down, they always come back up," they told her with tears brimming in their eyes.

"Please don't do this, you're making this harder for me and yourselves," Gen tried to explain, and then mentioned, "What about Bella? How can you say this to me when she is your mate."

The kings hated to admit that they had forgotten about her, and Genevieve was the only person on their minds. Their hearts felt constricted whenever they thought about Bella, and they couldn't face Gen either. It was a difficult topic for Gen too, but she couldn't be delusional. She had to be rational, and steadfast.

"I need to tell you all something," Gen spoke in a serious tone, and the kings directed their attention to her.

"I am thinking about quitting my job," She uttered, and the kings started to question in worry.

"Why?" "Did something happen?" "Is it the workload?" "Did your boss say something?"

Gen refuted their questions and told them the truth, "It is just that I think I need a break from this place. I really enjoyed my job, but now I want to explore something new. Maybe study further or travel the world." Gen had a lot in her mind, but she wasn't sure yet.

Deep down the kings knew that it was happening because of them. It was because of her job that she met the kings in the first place. The kings were selfish and cruel when they gave her hope that she was their queen and then had to leave her since she wasn't their real mate. They hurt Gen, and she had to suffer a lot because of them. Her life became miserable, and she had to go through a lot.

Now they weren't going to be a barrier in her way and let her move on. They wished her well and encouraged her to follow her dreams.

It was a painful goodbye for both parties, and unfortunately, they couldn't end things on a good note. But new beginnings awaited Gen, and she was optimistic about what the future would hold for her. She handed in her resignation letter and served the notice period. Her colleagues were kind enough to hold a farewell party for her, and everything was going great until Gen found out that Bella had resigned too. Gen facepalmed herself internally since it was obvious that Bella would go back with the kings to the werewolf kingdoms, and she felt dejected that she could've been in her place.

She tried to cheer herself up by watching a movie, but she looked at the calendar and saw that it was almost the end of the month which meant that the kings would be going back soon. She got a call from Bella, and she was hesitant about whether she should pick up. She thought that she should say goodbye and wish her well regardless of everything.

"Hey, I am sorry I couldn't make it to your farewell party," Bella spoke, and her voice sounded a little choked up.

"It is okay, I understand that you must be busy," Gen told her, and Bella replied, "Yes, I have been really busy. This last week has been hectic. You should come over to my place sometime, it has been long since you visited."

"Soon," Gen gave a short reply, but she was not keen on it. It was because of the kings. She pretended that she was over them, but the truth was that her heart since wavered at the sight of them.

"When are you leaving the kingdom?" Gen asked, and Bella was confused, "What do you mean? I am not leaving the kingdom."

Gen was speechless and clarified, "What do you mean? Aren't you leaving with the kings?"

"The kings are leaving tomorrow, but I am not going with them," Bella explained, and Gen was shocked. Did they have a fight? Was Bella going to go later?

"But... you resigned from the job," Gen mentioned, and Bella cleared the air, "Oh, that. I got a better job opportunity which was why I resigned."

Gen was still puzzled about what was going on, and Bella realized, so she decided to drop the bomb.

"The kings rejected me as their mate."

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