you're my mate

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"Ayla, can I come in?" Owen knocked on my door.

It's been four days since I felt that pain. My heat has come and gone so Owen has come home. Everyone has been trying to get me to talk but I have nothing to say. I won't leave my room and I have started locking my door so no one can get in.

"Ayla, please, unlock your door and let me in." He sighed.

I ignored him and buried my head under the blanket. I feel like I've had the life sucked out of me. Yes, I wanted Ethan to be my mate but knowing my destined mate didn't think much of his, tugs at my heart more than I expected.

"You either unlock this door or I'm gonna kick it down." He warned. I groaned and tossed my blanket across the room.

I went towards my door and unlocked it. I swung it open, "Owen, I just want to be alone," I sighed.

He looked uncomfortable. He was shuffling on his feet and wouldn't look me in the eye. "What?" I shrugged.

"Ethan and Mateo have just arrived home." He answered. I paled and backed away.

"Nononono, why?" I whined.

"Dad went to Alpha Miles," he took a deep breath, "he told him about you and Mateo." He explained.

"Why would he do that?" I whimpered. Tears were clouding my vision but I didn't attempt to wipe them.

"Because it's wrong what he's done, Ayla. He should have waited for his mate." He growled, "and you're his little girl, he hurt you." he sighed.

A deep growl reverberated through the house. I froze and gaped at Owen who was watching the stairs.

"Where the fuck is she? Where is my mate?" Mateo's voice was furious. I could feel the anger pulse through the house.

"Before you go anywhere near her, calm down." My dad warned.

I heard heavy footsteps thundering up the stairs. I sobbed and shook my head, "You need to listen to him, Ayla." Owen whispered before turning and heading to the stairs.

Why would he leave me with him? Hasn't Mateo hurt me enough? Now, I have to face him knowing what he's done.

Mateo stepped into my line of vision and I sucked in a breath. I scanned my eyes over him. He looked rough, his eyes were lifeless. His hair was tousled and wild like he'd ran his hand through his hair constantly.

"Ayla, I'm so sorry... I would have come home when you turned sixteen..." He stopped and raised his brow. He stepped forward, flaring his nostrils.

"Don't... Don't come close." I shivered.
He held his hands up and shook his head. "Can you smell me?" He questioned.

I inhaled deeply and all I could smell was his body wash, nothing was enticing about him at all. I shook my head and glanced at the floor. He strode towards me and I let him.

"Can I try something?" He whispered.
I took a deep breath and nodded. I looked up at him, hurt and guilt were swirling in his eyes. He held up his hand in front of him, I lifted my hand shakily. I halted in front of his hand, I was nervous. I didn't want to feel the sparks and tingles that come with touching your mate.

He pressed his hand against mine and I braced myself for the feelings that didn't come. "I don't understand..." I breathed.

He hooked his finger under my chin and lifted my chin to meet his gaze. "Why did you think I was your mate?" He asked. He didn't sound angry, he was genuinely curious.

"I'm so sorry, I thought it must have been you because my wolf knows you," I mumbled. Now, I'm even more confused.

"That doesn't answer my question, Ayla." He croaked.

I took a deep breath, "I felt my mate being intimate with someone." I whispered, keeping my eyes on him.

His eyes switched to black and a low growl hummed from his chest. "I'm so sorry, Ayla." He whispered before turning and dashing out of my room.

I stood there rooted to the spot. I couldn't move, I couldn't work out what had just happened. If he's not my mate, who is? It can't be Ethan because he wouldn't lie to me... Would he?

"Future Alpha or not, you don't fucking do that to my sister!" I heard Owen snarl.

"She's not my mate," He growled.

"Oh great, so you're rejecting her?" He chided.

I heard Mateo huff, "I can't reject her, because she isn't my mate. Listen, I need to go." He grunted.

I wanted to go downstairs and tell them he was telling the truth but no matter how much I tried to move my feet, they wouldn't budge. I know who my mate is, I don't want to believe it but that's the only explanation.

I stumbled back and fell on my bed. I held my face in my hands and cried. Why would he do this? He promised me he would wait for his mate... I'm his mate, he should have been having his first time with me. I rolled over onto my front and sobbed louder.

"Ayla..." I choked at the sound of Ethan's voice in my head. I don't know what to do. I pulled myself up, "Dad!" I cried out.

I was tugged into my dad's arms before I could even make a sound. He cradled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok, baby girl, I'm here." He soothed, stroking my hair.

"Dad, what do I do? Tell me what to do?" I blubbered.

"I can't tell you what is right or wrong, you need to figure that out for yourself. Maybe try talking to him?" He suggested. I sighed and took a couple of deep breaths.

"I said... Leave her the fuck alone, Ethan!" Mateo ranted.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my dad went to see what the commotion was. "Woah, lads, slow down." My dad grunted.

"I need to see her... I need to explain." Ethan panted.

Ethan appeared in my doorway with Mateo stood behind him. I gasped as Ethan's scent filled my senses and instantly calmed me.

I couldn't help myself, I jumped up and ran at him. He met me halfway and shoved his head into my neck as he wrapped his arms around my back.

"I'm so sorry I lied... I didn't know how to tell you. I hate that I was the reason for you hurting." He whispered. I grasped ahold of his shirt and inhaled deeply.

A deep growl escaped past my lips. I shoved him back and glared at him. "Why do you smell of a she-wolf?" I snarled. Jealously was seeping through my veins, my wolf was on the brink of pushing through.

"I can explain... It's a long story." He whimpered.

Mateo scoffed behind him and rolled his eyes. "She doesn't mean anything to me, Ayla, I swear," He choked, "you're my mate. It's you I want, I can fix this." He blurted.

"You either tell her or I'm going to." Mateo snapped.

I held my breath as Ethan paled and stuttered with his words. "She could be pregnant." He whispered.

My body started shaking, the room was spinning and all I could hear repeating in my head was... she's pregnant, she's pregnant.

"Shit, Ayla, let your breath out, breathe dammit!" Ethan panicked. I could see Ethan and Mateo in front of me, they faded away until I hit the ground.

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