tell him to stop

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I ran home, with tears streaming down my face. I needed to get home; I needed my parents. The bond was making me feel things I didn't know how to deal with. I wanted to rip her throat out when she called herself his mate. I've never been the violent or jealous type, but lately, that's all that is running through my mind.

I ran around a corner and bumped into someone causing me to fall back. “Shit, Ayla, are you ok?” Mateo asked, rushing towards me. “Mila, she’s over here!” He yelled over his shoulder.

“S- sorry,” I gasped.

“No, don’t be sorry. It’s ok.” He comforted. He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me up. “Oh, Ayla!” Mila blubbered, throwing her arms around me.

As soon as my head rested on her shoulder, the tears spilt out. “Shush, it’s ok.” She cooed, stroking my hair.

“I-I met h-her,” I stuttered, “she’s... stunning.” I choked.

She pushed me back and shook her head, “Don’t do that. Don’t belittle yourself.” She scolded.

“She called herself his mate,” I cried.

She tugged me back against her again and sighed. “She knows she’s not. That’s why she’s going around telling everyone she is.” Mateo sighed.

“Come on. Your parents are worried about you.” She commented as she led me towards my house.

“Why are you with Mateo?” I whispered, knowing full well he could hear me.

She stiffened and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, babe.” She answered.

“What is it?” I questioned, digging my heels into the ground. She turned to me and sighed, “I wasn’t going to say anything yet, but he’s my mate.” She replied, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

“Oh Goddess, I’m so sorry that I thought he was my mate,” I exclaimed. She chuckled and shook her head, “don’t be.” she added. “Owen told me what happened, then Mateo filled me in on the rest.” She explained.

I took a deep breath and nodded. “I can get home from here if you both want to get off.” I offered.

“Nonsense.” She scoffed, “you’re my best friend.” She smiled. “And I’m just the muscle,” he smirked.

I chuckled at him. It felt good to laugh. I feel like I haven’t done that in a while.

"Ayla, are you ok?" My dad asked through our link.

"I’m on my way home now," I replied.

I just know they’re stood on the doorstep watching out for me. “Will you be coming into work tomorrow?” Mila asked. I feel like I should. It might do me good to get back some normalcy.

“Yeah, I’ll come in,” I replied with a smile and an overconfident tone.

“Good. Well, here you go, home sweet home.” She chirped. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed, “I love you.” She expressed before letting go.

“I love you too,” I smiled, “thank you both.” I breathed.

“I want in on this hugging business.” He chuckled. He wrapped his arms around my neck and squeezed me playfully. “You’re worth more than both of them,” He whispered before pulling back.

I sniffled and smiled at them: “Thank you.”

I turned and faced my parents. They had sad looks on their faces. I went over to them, they parted and let me pass into the house.

As soon as I stepped inside, dad wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “Get some sleep, kiddo.” He muttered before pecking me on my cheek.

I nodded and said goodnight before going up to my room. I closed my door behind me and leaned against the door. I took a deep breath. All I could smell was Ethan. I cringed and made my way into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped off my clothes.

I stood under the hot water. The water hitting my skin felt like little needles all over my skin, but I wanted to burn his scent from me. I slid down the shower tiles and pulled my knees to my chest. I sat under the flowing water and let my tears fall freely.

I don’t know how long I’d be sat here when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I bit my lip and took quick breaths. The pain gradually got worse, and I knew what was happening.

"Fucking stop it!" I cried through the link with Ethan, but I was blocked. I couldn’t get through.

"Mateo... Tell Ethan... Tell him to stop," I cried through the link.

"Fuck, Ayla, what’s wrong? Keep the link open. I’m going to him now," He fretted.

The pain passed, and I felt like I could breathe again. I dragged myself up off the floor. I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Thank you. I will be." I replied.

"They weren’t doing what you think, by the way. I know that doesn’t mean much. I just wanted you to know." He explained.

"He was doing enough for me to feel it." I sighed.

I blocked all links as I locked my bedroom door. I crawled into bed and curled up. I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to live this life and feel this pain every day.

We’re going to have to reject him you know that, right?′ I whispered to Athena.

I know. I’m behind you one hundred per cent,′ she replied. I can reject him. If he doesn’t accept the rejection, I’ll be stuck like this until he decides to mark her, and that might be undoing. I won’t survive the mating.

I sighed in relief then closed my eyes.

I tried sleeping but, all I could picture was them two. Them two doing things he should be doing with me. This fucking bond is breaking me piece by piece. I’m so tired, my eyes hurt.

I groaned and grabbed my phone. I plugged in my earphones and put one in each ear before laying back down. I pressed play on a random playlist. Music blasted into my ears, drowning out every negative thought.

Maybe I’ll be able to sleep now.

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