deep breaths

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I shove my clothes in my suitcase, not bothering to pack them neatly. I need to get out of here quick before he realises what I'm doing. I stop and wipe my face which is meaningless because the tears keep coming.

How did my life turn out like this? I was so excited about finding my mate, granted the thought terrified me but I was overall excited. The one wolf that is supposed to be yours, is made for you and will love you through anything... It sounds too good to be true and before, I would have said it wasn't but now, it is.

Just because they are supposed to love you, doesn't mean they won't destroy you.

I had everything planned, I was going to continue with the pup handling and work my way up to becoming a pack midwife. I was going to meet my mate, fall in love and have everything my parents have.

But he had to ruin that...

He broke my heart and then broke my soul.

"I wish I could take time off work and come with you," Owen grumbled.

I sighed, wiping my eyes and nodded. "I know, but the teen pups need you," I responded.

I dragged my suitcase from my bed, Owen grabbed it from me and carried it downstairs. Mom was stood beside dad, crying. "Mom, I'll be back in 3 months." I sighed, wrapping my arms around her.

"I know, I just don't like the thought of you being in a different country, let alone a different pack." She complained.

"Alpha Leon is a good guy, a bit closed off but he is a fair Alpha," Dad stated.

"What about their Luna? Is she nice?" I peered over my mom's arm that was squashing me against her.

"Um, his Luna died 3 years ago. That's all I know." He explained.

My heart hurt for the Alpha, that must be awful. My body physically reacts towards my mate being away from me, I couldn't imagine losing your mate to death.

"But... If you can, you should meet Amaris." Mom commented, "We met Amaris and her husband when they were in Canada. They are from the Dark Wolf pack, Amaris is a Dark Wolf." Mum revealed.

We learned about Dark Wolves in school. They used to be just legends but two were discovered in England. So the council wanted everyone to know about them. They were created for war, there was a serious threat and the Dark Wolves were needed to stop it. They are stronger and faster than regular wolves and they have abilities... Like how cool is that?

"I hope I get to meet her. I've always wondered what a Dark Wolf was like," I hummed. "Ok, baby, it's time to go," Dad remarked.

I breathed and threw my arms around Owen. "Don't do anything stupid, Owen," I whispered. He chortled, "I promise nothing." He replied. "I'll miss you." I breathed.

"Dad is driving you to the airport, so there are not many people leaving the pack," Mom muttered. She wrapped her arms around my back and sighed, "be happy, baby." She croaked.

"I'll get there, mom. I love you." I kissed her cheek before walking out the door with my dad.

I climbed into the car and waved out of the window. It feels wrong, I shouldn't be leaving. The nerves are kicking in now, I don't know if I can do this. I could just stay and give into him, let him spend one night with me and then this is all over.

'No, we can't do that. You're not alone, Ayla.' Athena murmured.

'I'm glad I have you.' I breathed.

Dad drove us away from the house and soon we were passing through the pack gates. The further I got away from Ethan, the more I panicked. My chest was constricting, my heart was pounding, it's all I could hear. "Sweetheart, is your mind link blocked?" He asked, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

I nodded with tears falling uncontrollably. "Dad, it hurts. I need to go back." I whimpered. He reached his hand over and grabbed mine. "It will pass, baby." He reassured.

"Take me back, please. I need to be near Ethan, dad, this isn't normal." I panted. I couldn't breathe properly. I knew what I was doing was right and I knew it would pass but I was scared of what was happening and the fact I was going somewhere I didn't know anyone.

"Deep breaths, Ayla. It'll be over soon." He comforted me, squeezing my hand now and again. "It's just the bond fighting against the distance." He explained.

"I need Ethan," I cried. He slammed his foot down on the gas, his lips set in a straight line. The further the car drove forward, I was beginning to feel at ease. The pain has receded.

I took a deep breath and rested my head against the window. "Has it stopped?" Dad questioned. I nodded. "Thank you for not listening to me and taking me back." I gave him a small smile.

"We're nearly there," He mumbled. I glanced around. We were in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't an airport anywhere.

"Dad, where are we?" I puzzled.

He turned the car down a little dirt road. I stared out at the fields, trying to see. It wasn't easy, it was dark.

"Alpha Miles has contacts in the airport, there is a pilot that knows about us." He explained. The car came to a stop and I gawked at the sight.

A big private jet was in the middle of the field. "Dad, why are you doing this like a covert operation?" I chuckled. He grinned at me and I lifted my brow.

"It's been a while since I heard you laugh." He smiled.

I gave him a genuine bright smile. This is the best I've felt in ages. "He wanted everything done with no paper trail... He didn't want Ethan finding you until you are ready." He explained.

I sniffled and dragged in a breath. "You're so loved in this pack, Ayla. Don't forget that, baby." He expressed, wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank him for me, please," I asked as I inhaled my dad's scent. I'm going to miss him so much.

"Keep your mind block up. Don't let Ethan get through, he's been trying, baby." He mentioned, "He would have felt exactly how you did when you left. Don't let him make you feel guilty, Ayla." He insisted.

"I won't. I'll see you soon, dad. I love you." I faltered.

"Go smash it, baby girl." He yelled as I walked towards the jet. I chuckled and waved my hand over my shoulder.

"Miss Harding." The pilot greeted.

"Hi..." I trailed off not knowing what to call him.

"It's James," He smiled, "can I take your suitcase?" He asked, holding his hand out. I passed him my suitcase before climbing up the steps.

I turned and walked into the jet to the seats and gawked at the sight in front of me.

"Didn't think you'd be going without me, did you?"

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