i give it a week

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"Mind link your dad. Tell him I need to talk to him urgently." Leon urged.

I glanced over my shoulder at him. His eyes were focused on Mateo. His lips curled into a little smile as his eyes found mine. His eyes softened as he gazed at me. He reached his hand up and twirled my hair before curling it behind my ear.

"He's in his office waiting for your call," Mateo replied.

He gave me another smile before regaining his stoic expression and nodding at Mateo. He picked up the phone on his desk and leaned forward, pressing the numbers. I heard the ringing tone and waited for Alpha Miles to answer.

"Alpha Miles," He greeted. I focused my hearing so I could hear their conversation.

"It's Alpha Leon. Ayla will be returning to your pack to gather her belongings. I will be accompanying her." He announced. I sucked in a breath as I felt him circling his thumb underneath my teeshirt.

"I don't understand, Alpha Leon." I could hear the confusion in his voice. Leon kept moving his hand further up my teeshirt. I froze and wiggled subtly on his lap. He pressed his hand flat against my stomach, and I halted my movements.

"I will be arriving at your pack in less than twenty-four hours with Ayla. I won't need accommodation; I'll sort that myself." He announced.

"Got it, Alpha Leon. I look forward to seeing you again." Alpha Miles answered.

"Oh, and Miles?" Leon smirked.

"Yes?" Alpha Miles responded.

"Make sure your son is nowhere near there when I arrive. Otherwise, I won't be responsible for my actions." He growled before putting the phone down. I could feel my stomach clenching, Leon in all his Alpha glory; is such a turn on.

"Mateo, Mila, you are welcome to stay here," he mentioned, "Beta Wade, go pack your bag. We're leaving in one hour." He ordered.

I looked back and gaped at him. I heard the door open and footsteps but didn't bother looking back. I was confused as to why he would be coming with me. He has a full pack to run... How can he just take some time away on such short notice?

"If you think I'm letting you go back there by yourself with that arsehole hanging around you... You have another thing coming." He growled. "You belong here with me, and that's where you're staying." He declared.

I threw my arms around him and buried my face into his neck. I breathed deeply, taking in his scent. He lifted me effortlessly, and I straddled him.

He brushed his hands up and down my back, "I want to mark you," He groaned.

"I need to get Ethan to accept the rejection first. I don't know if I'll be able to mark you if he doesn't," I murmured.

"Fuck, he's a dickhead. If he doesn't accept it, I'll kill him." He groaned. I chuckled. "He should have been cherishing you. You're fucking gorgeous, and I'm so lucky the Goddess blessed me with you," He moaned as I tugged on the back of his hair.

"I'm glad I came here. I'm glad I found you." I breathed.

"We need to pack... If we don't, I'm not gonna be able to hold myself back." A guttural growl escaped him as his lips made contact with my neck. I gasped, lolling my head to give him more access.

"Will Ethan feel this?" He growled against my neck before continuing to pepper kisses all over.

"I don't know," I moaned as he swiped his tongue along the base of my throat.

"I fucking hope he can," He growled as he thrust his hips up, hitting my centre. I groaned and clutched onto his shoulders, grinding my core against him.

He moaned, pressing his fingers into my hips. His head snapped up, "Lila is on her way," he sighed.

I nodded and leaned back to climb off him. He pulled me back and held me against him while he circled his hips, rubbing his bulge against my centre.

"Tell me you're mine, Ayla... Say my name," he breathed before licking against the spot where I would hopefully bear his mark.

"I'm yours, Leon," I whimpered. I needed relief; my core was throbbing with need. I could feel the wetness pooling in my panties, and he wasn't making it any better.

I felt his canines scrape my skin, and all I wanted was for him to sink his canines into me. He forced himself back and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. "Fuck, I don't think my name has sounded so good coming from someone before," he groaned.

I chuckled breathlessly as I climbed off him. My eyes focused on the bulge in his pants as he adjusted his pants. My mouth watered at the size of his cock; it was contained in his pants, so I could only imagine how big he actually was.

"If you keep looking at me like that... I'm going to bend you over my desk and fuck you." He deadpanned.

My breath caught in my throat, and I moaned at the thought. "Ok, making that sound doesn't help." He grunted as he stroked himself openly over his trousers. I chuckled and shook my head.

I leaned against his desk as he stood up, "how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better than I have in ages," I admitted, "I feel happy and content," I replied. A huge, knee-buckling smile appeared on his face. I smiled at him and giggled.

"What are you going to tell Lila?" I asked, suddenly nervous about how the little pup was going to react.

He took a deep breath and stepped in front of me. "She knows all about mates. She's still a little young to understand, but I think she will be happy." He answered. "She likes you," He added, grinning.

My heart swelled, and I beamed at him, "I like her too," I expressed.

"I'm going to leave her here with my parents. I don't want her to witness violence if I can avoid it." He commented. I raised my brow at him and looked at him puzzled.

"I don't want her witnessing her daddy knocking the fuck out of someone," he winked.

I chucked and nodded, "so, I'll let you tell Lila on your own... It might-" I was cut off by a growl.

I raised my brows at him, "No, we'll tell her together. Start as we mean to go on... It's going to be the three of us now." He exclaimed. "But she'll be excited about having a mother figure... For thing's I can't do," he whispered.

I placed my hand on his chest. He sighed, and I could feel his heart beating rapidly. "Whatever you think is best," I smiled. "It's not too fast, though, is it?" I shrugged.

"Ayla, the bond heightens everything... Nothing is too fast in our world. We could have marked and mated each other the minute I felt the bond with you, and that wouldn't have been too fast." He chuckled.

I nodded and sighed. He linked his fingers through mine against his chest and moved them over his heart.

"I give it a week until I'm hopelessly in love with you." He simpered.

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