can this day get any worse?

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Ethan's POV.

"Ethan, baby. I came as soon as your mum told me," Jasmine hurried into the room. I was back at the packhouse. I needed rest to heal from these wounds. I can't believe she's been blessed with another mate and a fucking Alpha too.

There is no chance of me getting her back now... Not that she would come back. I wanted a submissive, quiet little mate, but she's far from it since she's grown up. Ever since we were younger, she would follow me everywhere. I knew she had feelings for me; she wasn't exactly subtle about them.

I liked her too... I liked that she would do anything for me. After a while, I did fall in love with her. My friends used to laugh at me at school because she wasn't exactly the skinniest or prettiest she-wolf, but she was sweet.

I wasn't expecting her to grow up into a fucking stunning she-wolf. I couldn't have her thinking she had a chance with anyone else... I needed to break her down so she would stay with me. But my dad had to fucking dangle Alpha Leon in her face, of course, she'd like him. He's the epitome of an Alpha... The aura, the looks, the respect... He has it all.

Now I'm stuck with Jasmine. Although she is submissive and does everything for me, she can suck my cock fucking brilliantly.

"What happened? Why did that Alpha attack you?" She whined.

"He's my mates second chance." I rolled my eyes.

"You have a mate?" She choked.

"Ayla Harding," I replied. Her eyes went wide, and she looked to the floor.

"You want her, don't you?" She whispered.

I chuckled, and shook my head, "No, babe, I've got you." I reached out for her.

She frowned, shaking her head, "You knew you she was your mate all along, didn't you?" She snapped.

I shook my head and tried sitting up. "No, Jas... Well, yes, maybe." I groaned, "I didn't think she'd find out," I sighed.

"What were you going to do? Have us both?" She asked, looking repulsed.

I shrugged, "No... I didn't know what to do."

There was a knock at my door. Luke, our pack doctor, poked his head around the corner. "The Alpha has asked me-" He halted and gaped at Jasmine.

Oh, fuck no... This isn't happening.

"Mine," they both whispered.

Jasmine made her way over to him with tears falling down her face. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, wiping her face. "I'm pregnant, and Ethan's the father." She choked.

He glanced at me then back at her, "ok... I can deal with that." He smiled at her. My eyes went wide, and I sat up, "you, lay back down," he growled.

"Really?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

Don't fucking do it, Jasmine... I ruined my life for you.

"Yes... We both had lives before each other. Everyone can make mistakes, some more than others that don't deserve a second chance," he glanced at me.

That was definitely a dig.

"You're my mate. You belong with me... Both of you." He replied.

He wrapped his arms around her and guided her out of my room. She didn't even look back at me; I no longer mattered.

The doctor was supposed to be checking on me, not stealing my fucking chosen mate.

I growled and hit my fists on the bed.

Can this day get any worse?

A sharp pain shot across my abdomen. I grunted, fuck, she's doing something again.

I've worked out she's not fucking him, so I may still have a chance. It only hits my abdomen when it's sexual contact or even kissing. My mum said if she fucks someone else, I'll feel it in my heart... When she marks someone, I'll feel it everywhere, but especially in my neck, where she was supposed to mark me until I accept the rejection from her.

The pain gradually got worse; it was spreading throughout my whole body. I cried out and gripped my chest.

"Mum." I wailed through our link.

She'll come and comfort me. My dad barely looks at me anymore. He said if I didn't have an idea that Ayla was my mate, it wouldn't have been so bad.

But I lied to her. I knew what it would do to her when I did it. Then I let Mateo take the blame because I knew she'd blame him, and it was better than having everyone know what I'd done.

My door burst open, and she took one look at me before rushing over to me. "Mum, she's fucking him." I cried out.

"They're in the guest bedroom." She growled.

I fell back and felt my body shaking. My neck burned, and I couldn't breathe.

"Ethan!" Mum screamed. "Miles!!" Mum cried.

I clawed at my neck and screamed. My dad came running in and looked at me. He rushed over and pried my hands away from my neck. I could feel the blood on my fingers, and my dad's face held no emotion.

"You brought this on yourself, Ethan. She's marked someone else. Brace yourself... It's gonna hurt when she's marked." He grumbled as he sat next to me, holding my hands by my sides.

I dragged in shaky breaths as my heart felt like it was breaking. My wolf was whining and growling in my head.

I fucked up big time.

I waited for the pain to come, but it didn't... I breathed out in relief and looked to my dad, "maybe she hasn't-"

I gasped, thrashing around on my bed. I screamed out loud; everything hurt. My body felt like it was on fire. Fresh tears were falling, and I couldn't cope with the pain.

"Dad," I choked.

"I know, Ethan." He replied sadly. That was the most emotion I've seen from him in the last week.

"Can't you do something, Miles?" Mum shouted.

"Like what? He brought this on himself when he did what he did. Alpha Leon and Ayla are mates... It was bound to happen." He snapped.

"Dad, what's going to happen to my wolf?" I sobbed.

I'm so so sorry, Eros. I shouldn't have done it. Please, you need to stay with me.

I couldn't feel him... He'd gone.

"Accept the rejection, son. It will help heal your wolf." He answered.

I laid in my bed, catching my breath. The pain has eased slightly, but it was still there... I could still feel it. An hour had passed before I tried standing up. My body ached; I couldn't think straight. My heart was thudding against my chest so hard it felt like it was gonna burst.

I made my way to Alpha Leon's room. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

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