i, ayla...

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I whimpered and backed away. I knew it was too good to be true. There was no way he would want me.

I kept moving until my back hit the wall. I choked back a sob as my back slid down the wall. Leon was straddling Ethan's waist; I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Joseph, grab Leon, get him off." Alpha Miles ordered.

My dad grabbed Leon's shoulders and tried pulling him away. But it was no use... Leon had one goal, to destroy Ethan, and no matter what anyone said, he wasn't going to listen.

I couldn't move; I was frozen against the wall. All I could hear was Ethan's words repeating over and over like a broken record.

You don't look like a Luna.

You're too fat to move.

His pack will never accept you.

He won't love you.

"Stop! You're going to kill him!" Luna Emily screamed. Her scream brought me out of my state of shock. She was furious, waving her arms about everywhere.

"Do you not care? Ethan is your mate!" She yelled at me.

I could see his back muscles tensing as he hit his fist into Ethan's face continuously. Wade and Owen looked back at me. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. Owen nudged Wade's arm, and Wade went to Leon.

"Alpha, Ayla needs you." He spoke calmly.

At the mention of my name, his head whipped in my direction. He dragged a breath in before rushing over to me.

I shook my head as Leon reached me. He reached his hand out to touch my face, and I flinched.

"Alpha, you may need to leave her alone tonight," my dad spoke.

"I'm not leaving her. That fucker has spouted fucking nonsense to her. If I leave, I'll lose her." He sounded pained. I pulled myself up and glared at him.

"Fuck, baby, you know nothing he said is true," he choked, "If Amelia was here... You wouldn't have felt anything for me... You wouldn't have me, and I wouldn't have you." He blurted.

I shook my head and took a deep breath. "He was right. How could you want me?" I sobbed.

I ran past him, glancing at Ethan. He had so much blood on his face. I drew in a shaky breath as I looked away.

"This is your fault," Luna Emily hissed, spitting in my face. I winced and shook my head, "he made his choice when he slept with Jasmine and got her pregnant." I whispered.

"If you were a good mate, you would have stood by his side," she remarked. I sucked in a breath and sobbed before running out of the house.

I saw Leon run after me, but I have the advantage. I know this place... He doesn't. I started towards the forest, "Ayla, stop!" Leon ordered. I halted and spun around. My wolf obeying to her mate's command.

"Don't run from me," he whimpered. I shook my head and dragged in a shaky breath.

"Baby, nothing he said was true, you know this," he pressed.

I shook my head again. I wanted to believe him; believing him would mean I get to love and be loved.

"Fuck sake, Ayla." He growled.

He gripped my wrist tightly, but not enough to hurt me. "Where the fuck is the packhouse from here?" He snapped.

"Straight up there," I replied with my voice flat. I saw him wince slightly, but I didn't care. I was done being used and tossed aside. I deserved more than that.

We reached the packhouse. I dragged my feet as he pulled me along. Leon opened the door, tugging me inside before shutting it.

He stomped up the stairs, and I followed him. I sucked in a breath as Ethan's faint scent hit my senses as we arrived on the Alpha's floor. A low growl rumbled from Leon as he obviously smelled him.

He dragged me across the corridor, "stop dragging me. I can walk on my own." I griped. We continued along the corridor. He let my arm go but kept his eye on me. I rolled my eyes as we reached a door with laminated paper against the door with his name on it.

He opened the door, holding it open for me. I trudged inside and stood in the middle of the room. I heard the door lock. I watched him as his back heaved up and down.

He turned slowly and faced me. "Ayla," he whispered, edging forward.

"Don't," I growled.

"He didn't know what he was saying... He was trying to get a reaction from you and hurt you." He sighed.

"But he was right," I snapped, "you won't ever love me as much as you did, Amelia." I shot. It was a low blow, and I knew that. Neither of us asked for this... He didn't ask for his first mate to die. I didn't ask for Ethan to be an arsehole. But I couldn't stop the thoughts, they were dragging me further back into the darkness, and I couldn't stop it.

"Don't start with that," he groaned.

"But it's true," I shrugged.

"Ayla... I've told you the feelings, and my bond to Amelia has gone... I don't..." he whispered.

"But... I'm not pretty or skinny," I muttered, "your pack will never accept someone who looks like me," I shivered in disgust.

I was pulling at strings now, and I knew it. Ethan's words were repeating in my head again, and I couldn't erase them.

"Maybe it will be best if we just end this before it has begun..." I hesitated, "stop it before it gets too hard,"

"You could take anyone as your chosen mate... You don't have to be stuck with me."

He was pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair until he was frantically tugging at the roots. This is best for both of us; he'll see that in the future. Maybe I'm just meant to be alone.

"I'll make it easy for you... All you need to do is accept..." I whispered.

"I, Ayla-"

"No!" He cried out.

He fell to the floor and sobbed, holding his head in his hands. I rushed over to him and kneeled in front of him. His body was convulsing as he cried.

"I don't love her anymore. I haven't since the bond formed with you." He cried.

He looked up at me, and my heart dropped. Tears were falling down his face; I reached out and wiped them, which was useless because they kept coming.

"I love you, Ayla, so much." He sobbed.

"I don't know how else to prove it to you," he bawled.

I was torn before... I didn't know if I believed him or not. But looking at the broken Alpha in front of me, there's no doubt in my mind that he loves me.

What have I done?

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