Chapter 5

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( Marley in the picture above) Marley's POV

I walked into the large court room behind Ambree. I could see people around us they all turned around to see us after the announcer said Ambrees name.

I kept my gaze on the ground in front of me. I really didn't wanna look up and take my hood off I could tell people were looking out way probably at Ambree.

She always liked attention but I really wasn't interested.

I kept my head and hood down to avoid any gaze from anyone, I wasn't really good with other people other than Ambree so I stuck close behind her and kept my head low.

As we approached a flight of stairs I assumed the queens sat at the top. I had heard about the three queens of Esteban, Ambree was fond of them and their relationship I really didn't have any problem with them so I always listened to what Ambree had to say.
Turns out all three of them were really powerful but I really wouldn't expect anything less from three queens and supernatural ones at that.

I was brought out of my thought when I heard the queens say something though I wasn't able to catch what it was but I heard the crowd gasp so I guess it was important.

I raised my head slightly to see what Ambree was doing and why people were surprised.

I assumed their reaction was towards her, but when I looked over she was looking back and forth between me and what I assumed were the three queens at the top, though I couldn't see them I could feel their eyes on me, it was like I could feel their gaze.

The thought creeped me out but I shook the feeling off.

I saw Ambree turn her attention back to the queens. She turned towards them and walked closer to the stairs.

Once she reached the stairs she gave a simple curtsy as a sign of respect and mannerism. I followed her lead and kneeled down to the three.

My hood still on, I was tired after the trip here and I didn't really want much attention so I decided to keep the hood on.

I looked back over to Ambree and saw her look at me with a strange expression covering her face.

It looked almost like she was worried but happy at the same time, was that even possible?

Either way I kept her image in my mind and would ask her about it later.

The room was quiet and the attention was still on us. At this point I was confused, why was everyone just staring, was Ambree doing something should I do something?

I made my way over to the crowd and Ambree followed quickly behind me.

Despite being in the crowd the attention was still on us. I was a little annoyed at this point I wasn't used to this many strangers watching me.

Maybe they were just surprised to see Ambree I mean she doesn't do this kind of thing very often.

The awkward tension lasted for a few more seconds before one of the queens spoke up.

I couldn't tell which one it was but she had a really pretty voice, it was strangely soothing.

"Now that everyone is here we can tell you our plans for the next few months,"

oh maybe that's why the attention was on us. We were the last to arrive,

geez how far is Catrana to Esteban, we left early and still arrived last.

"We can discuss more tomorrow but we look forward to making and mending the relationships of all our kingdoms together and form a unity amongst us all."

This time a different voice spoke it was a little deeper and by the tone it sounded more prideful and powerful I assumed it was queen Heather, Ambree told me that she was the oldest and most powerful out of the three since she was not only a queen but she held an alpha title as well.

"You have all had a tiring journey so we bid you all a goodnight and we shall meet again tomorrow morning, we can meet and discuss after a good nights rest,"

the last voice was a little higher pitched than the last put it sounded almost charming to hear.

Geez what is wrong with me I never found anyone's voice so interesting before not even Ambree,

I wonder what made these three so special.

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