Chapter 17

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3rd POV
Marley was definitely not prepared to see queen Heather when she turned around.

She expected a servant who was called upon by Ambree to come and get her after breakfast. So when she turned around and saw the queen in front of her she froze.

Marley hadn't really seen much of Heathers features since she didn't pay to much attention to her when they were close to each other during the tour with the others.

Marleys body didn't react as she continued to look at the queen before her.

Heather was equally stunned. She had seen Marley but seeing her this close made her mind go weak as she looked at the woman.

She could point out every feature and quickly made a mental note to remember the image. It was clear that Heather had startled Marley because her body tensed once she turned around.

Heather couldn't help but frown as she saw her mate frightened of her. Though with Heathers frown Marley could only see displeasure in it.

She figured it was her fault so she immediately snapped out of her trance and kneeled to one knee.

She lowered her head and refused to look up at the queen,

"I apologize your majesty I did not see you standing there,"

Heather cringed a little as she saw her mate bow to her. In Heathers mind the two were equals and Marley should not need to bow to her own mate.

Though of course Marley didn't understand that.

"No-no it's ok it was my fault for not saying anything,"

said Heather trying her best to calm Marley down. Marley felt like she was having deja-vu after what happend with Demitri and now Heather.

Marley didn't get up from her position even after Heather tried to relax her and Heather realized she would probably have to command Marley to rise since she wasn't going to do it willingly.

"Um y-you can rise,"

said Heather who cursed herself for stuttering in front of Marley.

Marley stood up from her position but still kept her eyes down and had yet to make eye contact with Heather.

Rayln growled in Heathers head as Marley refused to make eye contact with Heather, and Heather was equally upset.

"Is there something you needed of me your majesty?"

Marley asked. She wanted to quickly leave, she could feel her cheeks rise up in temperature as she felt the queen stare down at her and she got the similar feeling in her stomach from when she was with Demitri.

She was confused and she realized quickly that these feelings only happened with the queens which confused her further.

"I needed some time away from my royal work when I noticed the fire, and when I came over i realized it was you,"

"I apologize if the fire startled you your majesty,"

Marley responded.

"It's alright I was quite surprised to see you out here, though I did not see you at breakfast and Ambree tells us you enjoy training,"

Heather was rambling and she knew it but she enjoyed talking one on one with Marley.

"I do not need as much food as the normal person so I typically don't eat much,"

responded Marley who was confused as to why she shared that bit but it was out now, and Heather nodded in understanding. Marley thought she would be able to leave until the queen asked her,

"so are you going to the party tonight?"

Upon hearing the question Marley finally looked up at Heather and couldn't help but find satisfaction at looking at the other.

"I was unaware about the party"

responded Marley,

"oh well tonight we are having a party and all the people of court are invited, I assumed Ambree told you since it was all she talked about this morning,"

said Heather. Marley thought about to when she last spoke to her and remembered their conversation, Ambree was strangely secretive and couldn't give Marley a clear answer to her question, so it made sense as to why the topic of a party didn't come up,

"well if Ambree is going than I shall be there,"

Heather smiled at the thought of Marley being at the party though could not help the small pang of jealousy that hit her once she heard that Marley would only go if her princess was in attendance. Heather wanted desperately for Marley to act like that with her.

Marley seemed so invested into Ambree, she never left her side except to train or fly and when she was with her Marley was glued to her side.

Ambree also knew a lot more about Marley and the three realized quickly that they were gonna have to be patient with Marley, though it didn't stop the three from being upset with seeing Ambree and Marley so close.

Heather was able to put on a small smile despite her feelings and said,

"that's great the three of us will be there, I'll be sure to look for you,"

Marley couldn't help but feel her body heat up at the thought of the three being at a party and the comment at the end left Marley with a strange feeling, one she again did not recognize.

Heather smiled as she saw Marleys reaction and began walking away leaving Marley stunned behind her.

After about ten minutes Marley finally made it back to Ambrees room. She was grateful that she was there,

"Ambree it's me Marley can I come in?"

Marley asked as she knocked on the door.

"Yes come in,"

Ambree said from across the door. Marley walked in and immediately Ambree walked up to her and with a dramatic cry she said,

"I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you about the party, queen Heather visited me and said she looked forward to seeing you and I realized that I forgot and-"

"hey it's ok there's no need to apologise it's fine and besides a party might do the two of us good,"

said Marley as she tried to calm the princess down.

"Are you *sniff* sure?"

Asked Ambree as she looked at Marley guilty. Ambree knew Marley wasn't  one for surprises so she figured that Marley would be angry at her and hated the idea of Marley hating her.

Marley smiled at Ambrees dramatics and said,

"yes I'm sure now come on let's get ready,"

and with that Ambree's face lit up and she immediately dried her eyes.
Marley smiled as she left to go to her room.
She sighed and began getting ready for the night to come.

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