Chapter 30

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3rd POV
Marley left that morning a heavy blush covering her face as she walked the halls to her room.

She managed to calm herself down before going to Ambree.

The two talked for a while and Marley explained everything to her.

Ambree seemed way to excited for Marleys own good.

She smiled and made small cooing noises at the details Marley had given her.
Marley simply continued on not even bothering to question Ambree's strange behavior.

(Lmao Ambrees so happy, her ship has sailed)

Marley left her room feeling a little better after explaining everything to Ambree.

Once she got back to her own room, she sat down on her bed.

Her mind still seemed bothered by something but she couldn't tell what it was.

It was like a strange emptiness.

'Is it because I'm separated from the three?'
If so is it because of the mate bond?'

Marley continued to ask herself more and more questions. Her mind going back to the confused state it was in before.

One side of her just wanted to accept the three and be with them. Let them hold her in their arms and love her till her days were over.

But the other side of her was still so cautious and unsure.
Her thoughts drifted back to her memories.
The horrid images of her family,

Viran and his men.

The memories flashed back in her head.

she closed her eyes and clutched the sides of her head.

Her brain was plagued by the nightmares of her past.

The trauma she could never forget.

after about 20 minutes Marley was able to calm herself down, and release herself out of her panic attack.

She remembered the breathing techniques Ambree taught her.

Once she calmed down fully she opened her eyes.
She retracted her hands from her head, and she looked down at her hands, she noticed the tips of her fingers and nails were bleeding. An effect of holding her head to hard.

She thought back to the three queens.

They were so happy with each other, what could she possibly bring them to create happiness?

How could she protect them if she couldn't even protect herself?

How could they possibly love her?

She wasn't good enough for them.

She sighed loudly out to her bed chamber. Her thoughts streaming through her head like a raging river flow.

She wanted desperately to rid the thoughts in her mind but she couldn't escape them even if she wanted to and she was stuck.

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