Chapter 46

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3rd POV

Marley opened her eyes slowly. She could see colors and shapes all around her but her vision was too blurry to comprehend what anything was.

Blinking, she sat up and lightly rubbed her eyes.
It was then that she realised that she was on a bed.
There was a stand next to her with a cup of water and a plate of food that was untouched.

Marley looked around the room, her vision now beginning to clear as she started fully waking up.
The room was basic, nothing covering the walls or standing out.

Marley could feel her headache beginning to happen and she closed her eyes momentarily to let herself calm down.
But as soon as she closed her eyes, they went open again, only this time they went wide.
Marley recalled the events that had just passed.

The cell

The men

Her dragon

Her mates

'Wait the queens!'

Marley thought of her mates. Wondering where they were. She remembered how they saved her and how she managed to escape the prison she was once trapped it.
She shivered lightly as she remembered her time there.
Suddenly remembering that there was water, Marley leaned over to grab the cup, when her stomach area  felt lightly stiff.

She looked down and saw the bandages that were securely wrapped around her upper body and chest area, wrapping all around her back.

It was then that she remembered what happened before she passed out.

She shifted..

Marley then noticed her left wrist was also neatly wrapped in bandages.
She ran her fingers lightly over the area where the bracelet one was.

Her eyes darkened as she remembered her time spent at that place.
She was more then happy to now be back in the arms of her mates.

She sighed loudly before getting up.
She knew that this room wasn't hers, she looked out the window and noticed that she was in a different wing of the castle then where her room was.
This was the same wing as the queens....

Marley decided to try and head back to her room where she could change into new clothes and possibly take a bath.
She could really use one right now.

After finishing the cup of water, Marley limped to the door.
Her body still hurt but not as much as before, and her limp wasn't as bad.
She would be able to walk normally in a couple of days.

Opening the door, Marley was about to step out of the room, only to look up and notice a lavender color.


Looking up she caught eyes with Lea who looked surprised to see her as well.

"Oh hello Lea, do you think you could point me in the direction of my-"

Marley's words were cut off when Lea pulled Marley forward and she hugged her.
Her arms wrapped tightly around the warrior.

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