Chapter 6

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(Demitri in the pic above) 3rd POV
After the three queens finished their little speeches the people below began talking amongst themselves.

The topic of conversation mainly about the two late arrivals.

Everyone in the room were supernatural or at least had supernatural companions so they could all feel the aura of the warrior that Ambree had brought with her.

It felt almost as powerful as the three queens combined.

Though the attention was lessened people were still watching the princess and her warrior. The two seemed like an unlucky pair but here they were together.

The queens at the top seemed to have their gaze glued to the warrior.

Watching her every movement and waiting to see what she would she do next. It was like they were in a trance.

The first to break out of it was Heather, she looked side to side at the two and saw their gaze fixed on the warrior below them.

Marley was practically glued to Ambrees side. The the sight made the three jealous in a small way, and they were still annoyed that they still couldn't see their mates face.

Heather shook the two and snapped them back to reality.

"You two felt it too right?"

Heather asked the other two.

"I didn't think she would actually be here tonight,"

responded Demitri. Sure she was excited earlier but she didn't think it would actually happen. 

"What should we do?"

Asked Lea.

"That hood is starting to get on my nerves,"

responded Heather. Demitri and Lea responded in agreement.

"Should we go up to her, say something?"

Asked Demitri.

"I don't think that's the wisest idea,"

said Lea as she looked back down to Marley. The other two turned more to Lea curiosity filling their faces,

"why do think that?"

Asked Heather. Lea looked back at the two and said,

"I don't know if you two felt it earlier but when she first walked in I could sense her energy, she seemed uncomfortable if I had to assume it's probably from everyone watching her."

Heather and Demitri turned towards Lea, surprise evident on their faces. Lea simply looked back down to the guard.

"I think we should wait until she reveals herself, if she feels comfortable enough to let us see her than she's probably comfortable enough for us to talk to her,"

"so we just wait it out?"

Asked Demitri in an almost sad tone.

"I think it's the best idea, we should get to know her more, little by little, her reaction to us seemed as though she wasn't fazed by the news at all so it makes me wonder if she even knows,
we can ease her into it and eventually tell her everything once she's comfortable with us, don't forget she'll be here for a couple of months we have the time."

Responded Lea. Heather furrowed her eyebrows in displeasure and looked back at the hooded warrior. She was upset, her wolf was going crazy in her head, and she couldn't agree more.

The process of the three was easy, they all met at the same time and instantly knew they were mates but this one was different.

Heather was also thoroughly annoyed with the hood.

She wanted nothing more then to see the face of her mate. She knew nothing about her just that she was a dragon and that was it.

Demitri was equally the same as Heather. She wanted to be able to see Marley and be with her.

Sure she just met her, well more like saw her but the mate bond tends to do that.

She wanted to get to know her mate and waiting wasn't something she was fond of, but Lea made a good point and Demitri respected her loves ideas and opinions so she agreed to the plan.

The three continued to watch Marley through out the night.

She wasn't really doing anything just following Ambree around and admiring the pretty castle.

Marley was more than grateful to have her hood.

She could feel the strangers eyes and felt as through the hood gave her the extra layer of protection.

She didn't say anything for the night, and just continued to stick with Ambree.

Ambree was actually quite fond of the party. She was able to meet a lot of new people and they were more than willing to talk to her.

Ambree had a tendency to talk and make friends sometimes even accidentally, she just had that personality which Marley greatly respected her for.

Ambree figured Marley would be quiet and stick more to her side, she was typically like that outside of their kingdom.

Though despite everything Ambree still could not shake the fact that her best friend was mated to the three queens.

She knew they were looking for their last one but she didn't expect it to be Marley. She felt bad for them however.

Marley wasn't exactly taught much in the love department and her dragon has no knowledge of mates so Ambree knew she was gonna have to explain some things, but she figured she'd let the queens tell Marley the big news and if Marley had any remaining questions Ambree could answer them.

Ambree also felt a little bad for the three queens. Marley wasn't someone who was exactly the easiest to get close to, she's been through hell and back and trust isn't the easiest thing to gain from her.

Ambree wondered how they were gonna get Marley to open up.

She glanced down at Marley who was busy admiring a painting on a wall.

She looked back at the three queens and saw them watching Marley with great interest.

She smiled and looked down at Marley


she thought,

'maybe it will all work out in the end.'

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