Chapter 15

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(Demitri in the pic above)
3rd POV

Dinner was relatively the same as the night before. No one said to much since they were all eating, though Demitri was silent for other reasons.

She couldn't get the idea of Marley out of her,

she held my hand, and even told me her full name!

Demitri's excitement was easy to see and the other two were quick to give her questioning glances but she turned them down and said that she would explain later.

Though the words gave reassurance the other two were still worried.

Marley wasn't much different, she couldn't stop thinking about her and Demitri's conversation,

'why did I even tell the queen that much about me, and why do I have this feeling again ugh this is so confusing'

Ambree must've seen Marleys displeasure as she was quick to ask,

"so I saw your note about you going flying, are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine though I do have some questions to ask you after we eat,"

Marley explained, Ambree nodded and the two continued eating. Marley didn't eat much as usual but she still waited for Ambree to finish.

Once everyone was nearing the end, they were all allowed to retire for the night. Marley followed Ambree to her room so the two could talk.

Once inside Ambree sat on her bed and Marley was on a chair that was in front of Ambree's vanity,

"so you said you had some questions,"

Ambree said,

" yes it involves the three queens though."

In all honesty Marley expected Ambree to have a bigger reaction than what she did. She simply smiled lightly and gestured for her to continue.

"I feel confused, I'm not really sure how to feel around them,"

Marley looked up to Ambree to see if she wanted to say anything but it seems as though she was more intent to listen so Marley continued

"I have this feeling where I'm safe, almost like I'm content when I'm with them even if I'm not talking to them, there presence alone calms me.
I also feel warm inside, and my face gets warmer too, I don't understand,"

Ambree wanted to smile at Marleys words, but she also felt bad. Marley didn't grow up with the knowledge of mates and never really felt attraction towards anyone, she had friends yes but they were not ones she felt that way towards, it was all platonic.

Marley also stated once that she really didn't have a preference on gender and that it was the person inside that mattered the most to her.

Which helped a lot in this situation. Ambree didn't really know what to say, she wanted to tell Marley it was love, or at least a small amount of it, but she wouldn't be able to explain thoroughly without telling Marley that she was mated to the three queens.
Instead Ambree simply said,

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