Chapter 19

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(Queen Lea in the pic above) 3rd POV
Marley was nervous as she walked through the sea of people. Her arm still linked with Ambree.

She could feel the gaze of the three queens which sent a shiver down her back, as she thought about the three watching her.

Her body heated up as a blush became apparent on her face. Marley tried her best but ultimately failed in the end so she let it happen.

The three could see Marley, they could feel her emotion, and knew very well that she was blushing. Lea smirked at the thought of their mate blushing because of them.

"Damn I didn't think she could look so good in a suit,"

Heather said.

Demitri giggled at Heathers reaction, and Lea smiled in agreement.

The party was going smoothly with the three watching as Marley followed Ambree around, though she did manage to talk to a couple of people on her own, which she was grateful all went well.

The whole time she could tell the queens were there watching her, but it didn't make her feel weird.

Normally when people watch Marley she gets nervous and doesn't like the centre of attention but she found the attention of the three strangely nice, she almost wished it could stay like that, just the four of them.

Marley snapped out of it when she realised what she was thinking about.

This is bad they are all in a relationship, I shouldn't ruin that. I need to calm down and find a way to distract myself'

Marley told Ambree that she was going to go get a drink. Ambree nodded and continued talking to a lady.

Marley made her way to the snack table and asked for some water,

is it just me or is it like really hot on here

she thought to herself.

She thanked the servant for the water and wasted no time in drinking some.

Once she finally managed to relax a little Marley made her way around the table. She looked around at the paintings. Art was always a fascination to Marley and the picture she was currently looking at, was a portrait of the three queens.

Marley scanned over the painting noticing all of the small details. The way the brush was painted in, the parts where there was shadows and different light contracts in the paint colors.

She didn't even realise she was staring. She heard the music change in the background to a more slower dance song but she paid no mind as she kept looking at the painting.

It was so life like almost as if the three could walk out of the canvas.
Marley was so focused on the painting that she didn't even realise the figure standing behind her.

"Beautiful isn't it,"

The noise of someone's voice was enough to snap Marley back into reality.

She turned around to respond but stopped short when the image of queen Lea was standing right in font of her.

Marley was stunned, so far Lea was the only one who hadn't had a chance to talk with Marley one on one so seeing her this close surprised Marley.

Lea was more beautiful up close just like the other two, and Marley couldn't help the blush that crept up into her face.....Again.

She quickly lowered her head and said,

"apologies your majesty I was not aware you were behind me,"

Lea smiled at Marleys formalities,

"it's alright after all I made no move to make my presence known,"

Marley didn't know how to respond so she nodded her head. Lea couldn't help but smile at Marleys shyness she found the act cute and adorable.

"I couldn't help but notice you over here by yourself while everyone else was dancing even Ambree,"

Upon hearing this Marley looked over and saw Ambree slow dancing with someone, she was laughing about something and almost tripped.

Marley smiled the slightest and turned back to queen in front of her,

"I suppose I would need a partner to dance with," Marley responded back with.
She figured she could get out of dancing since Ambree was with someone else, so when the queen asked her question Marley almost chocked on air,

"would you dance with me?"

The queen asked Marley. She held her hand out to the shorter woman in-front of her.

Marley glanced over and saw the other two queens watching them with interest.

"I-I do not think I would be a suitable dance partner, I am not very good a slow dances,"

Marley responded trying her best not to stutter in front of the queen. Lea smiled warmly back again at her, to which Marley avoided her gaze out of embarrassment.

"That's alright I'll catch you,"

Lea responded slyly. Marley figured that at this point she wasn't getting out of this so she worked up her courage that was lost moments ago,

"well if you insist,"

With this Lea excitedly took Marleys hand and led the two to the middle of the room.

Lea had her hands wrapped around Marleys waist as she put Marleys hands wrapped around her head to rest on her shoulders.

Lea began to sway back and fourth, Marley following her lead. Eventually the two found a rhythm and they swayed while going in a small circle.

As they continued on Lea pulled Marley closer and closer to her until the dance came to an end.

At this point Marley realized how close in proximity the two were. Lea was taller so Marleys face was a couple inches away from her neck.

Lea looked down at the flustered fae. And laughed at her reaction. She wanted nothing more that to pull Marley as close to her as the two could get.

But this will have to do for now. At this point the party was beginning to come to a close so Marley parted from Lea.

She thanked the queen and made her way back to Ambree quickly.

Lea smiled at her accomplishment and made her way back to her throne, where the other two sat waiting for details. Lea looked at her two wives and smiled,

"don't worry I'll tell you all about it tonight."

Lea then sat down and remembered the way Marley looked, her flustered face, her body so close to Lea's yet not close enough.

Lea smiled at the thought of the more chances the three had to be with their mate.

And smiled at the thought of Marley finally becoming theirs.

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