Chapter 26

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3rd POV
"Here sit here,"

Demitri was holding onto Marley as Lea put a chair behind her, Heather went to the bathroom to get some water and a towel for the wounds.

"If I could excuse myself, the people are still worried and confused, I'll go down and explain everything to them while you three help her,"

Ambree spoke as she began making her way out of the room.

Marley tried to reach her arm out for Ambree but was stopped by Demitri who held her arm.
Marleys left arm was bleeding badly.

"Don't move your arm to much, here put this on it,"

Heather said as she gave Demitri the wet towel.
Demitri thanked her and began cleaning up Marleys arm.

"What happened out there?"

Lea asked her voice laced with concern as she looked at Marleys bruised arm a sour look crossed her face upon seeing her mate hurt.

"The creature was a Dafta,"

Marley explained.

"A what?"

Heather asked as she began getting out bandages from a small drawer in their vanity.

"A Dafta is a earth made creature, who can only come alive using dark magic, I'm surprised you didn't know your majesty,"

Marley said while looking at Demitri  who was now wrapping her arm with bandages from Heather.

"I do not study dark magic, I would have no knowledge of such creatures,"

Demitri explained as she cut off the last price of bandage and pressed on it to let make sure it was going to stay on Marleys arm.

Marley simply nodded her head, but winced a little.
The three noticed and Lea urged Marley to not move her head so much.

"Marley I know your in pain but if you could take your shirt off we need to see your back, it's bleeding badly."

Heather reasoned as she got another towel.
Marley sighed she looked down at the ground, she was flustered but didn't want the three to know that.

But she didn't have much of a better option so she took her jacket and shirt off with the help of Lea who stood behind her, secretly gazing down her back.

Marley had a rough laced bra underneath, that had skinny straps.

She was able to leave the bra on yet still have her wing wounds tended to which she was more then grateful for.

Though the three could only stare much to their dismay.

Marleys back was smooth and soft, until her upper back and back bones were.

She had two large scars, each one resembling the place where her wings came out from.

Though Marley seemed unbothered by them.
Demitri began to clean up her back, careful not to press on any bruise or hurt Marley in any way.
She was able to clean up the wound and put some healing oil on it.

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