Chapter 12

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3rd POV
Lunch was nearing an end and Marley had eaten the amount she wanted.

The three queens didn't eat too much as they were to busy listening to their mate.

Marleys voice was so calming to them it was nice to hear her voice. It made resisting her hard even more, at least for now.

The rest of the lords and ladies finished their lunches as well and when everyone was officially done, and Heather spoke up.

"Since the meeting is over you all have the rest of the day to your selves you can tour the castle and be amongst yourselves until we meet again tonight for dinner."

Upon hearing this some people went back to their rooms or to tour the castle. Others stayed and continued their conversations with friends.

Ambree wanted to see the castle and she knew Marley had taken an interest to it the night before. Suddenly an idea popped into Ambree's mind and she smirked at her idea.

She motioned for Marley to follow her as she made her way over to the three queens' table. The three were talking but quieted as the two approached their table.

Though Marley was just as confused as the three, but she followed Ambree wherever she went so she never questioned anything.

Ambree had a small smile on her face as she approached the table.

"If you three aren't two busy I haven't seen much of the palace nor has Marley and I was wondering if you three would give us a tour."

Almost simultaneously Marley and the three queens looked at Ambree in surprise.

The three though seemed to understand as Ambree nodded her head towards Marley signalling something but Marley didn't understand. She was confused but before she could ask questions Demitri spoke up.

"Of course we would love to give you two a tour."

She spoke looking directly at Marley who's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

She was confused as to why she was reacting this way but saw the three stand up so she simply ignored the feelings and followed behind the four royals.

The three queens were more than happy to give the two a tour. It gave them a chance to actually talk to Marley.

They knew quickly what Ambree was doing when she requested the three tour them so they knew they were gonna have to give back to her for helping them out in this situation.

They walked down hallways and corridors explaining what rooms belonged to who and introduced them to some of the staff who bowed at the four.

Marley was confused as to why the servants were bowing to her as well. Though she assumed it was because she was standing with the four.

Marley didn't really pay much attention to what they were saying she was just simply listening to their voices.

She still didn't understand why their voices intrigued her so much and she forgot to ask Ambree about it.
She found the three's presence oddly soothing considering she wasn't really comfortable with anyone outside of Catrana.

She continued to wonder what made the three so special to her and why they made her react this way.

Am I sick?

Marley thought to herself.
The group then made their way out to the training arenas and to where Marley was earlier in the morning.

Marley snapped put her questions when she saw the four looking at her. She widened her eyes assuming they asked her something or she did something she looked around at the four and asked,


Lea, smiled upon Marleys reaction, she looked cute when she was confused.

"They asked if this is where you trained this morning,"

Ambree explained,

"o-oh yes,"

responded Marley. She was embarrassed at this point and her face was tinted red though the three could only smile at her finding her redaction cute. Ambree smiled as she saw her

'little plan'


"Well that's all shall we head inside?"

Lea asked the group. They all nodded and began to head inside. Though this only confused Marley more because she felt a sense of sadness at the thought of leaving the three, and she didn't understand why.

I need to talk to Ambree about this tonight

Marley thought to herself.

After the three said their goodbyes to the two and went to their rooms Demitri spoke up,

"eeee she spoke to us,"

It was clear Demitri was excited about their mate.

"She looked cute blushing like that,"

Lea countered back,

"I know right ugh this is getting harder and harder,"

Demitri said back.

"We just need to be patient and wait a little longer,"

said Lea,

"how much longer?"

Asked Heather in a sadder tone. Lea sighed at her question and turned towards they two,

"you'll see once the moment is right we can finally have Marley and then we'll be complete, we just need to be patient and wait, trust me in due time she'll be ours."

Said Lea smiling at the two. Her words seemed to comfort them as they both nodded and got ready for bed. Lea followed them and the three climbed into bed.


said Demitri.

The two said goodnight and Demitri whispered in her head,

'goodnight Marley'.

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