Chapter 37

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3rd POV

"So where have you two been?"

Marley asked still sitting on Heathers lap. Not bothered to get off. Lea and Demitri now sitting on either side on the bed close to Heather and Marley.

"We we're getting some water, and some food, neither of us ate anything at the party,"

Marley simply nodded.
She could feel herself visibly relaxing while Heather held her.

And now with the other two she felt even more complete.

The room was quiet for a couple of seconds before Lea decided to speak up much to Marleys surprise.

"So about that kiss...."

Marley felt her face heat up again as she began getting off of Heather only now realising that she was in a quite provocative position.

"Oh no, you stay here, I finally have you in my arms,
I'm not letting you go anytime soon"

Heather responded as she put her arms around Marleys waist protectively.

A small growl escaping the queens lips, she put her head on Marleys shoulder.

"Oh come on Heather what about us I want Marley too,"

Demitri said in a fake pouting tone

"Yeah, share the love,"

Lea responded.

Marley giggled a little at the interaction.

"Nope Marleys mine tonight ladies,"

Heather said as she began getting up.

She picked up Marley along with her only setting her down when they were both standing close to the door.

Marley looking at the queen next to her.

Heather held a mischievous glint in her eyes. Marley couldn't help but feel strangely excited about what she was planning.

"Oh come now, don't be rude, are you really gonna make us hunt you down to be with Marley,"

Demitri said as she and Lea began rising from the bed.

Both holding the same look as Heather.

Marley began to suspect something interesting was about to happen.


Heather responded a playfulness lacing her voice as she held onto Marleys hand.

Though Marley had to hold back a laugh when she realised how much smaller her hands were to the queens.


Lea said in an almost warning tone.

Knocking Marley out of her thoughts.

Heather smirked as Marley looked back and forth almost as if she was caught in the crossfire of something dangerous.

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