Chapter 45

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Marley's dragon in the pic above
Recap: Marleys voice came out in a whisper, she wasn't even sure if the person could hear her.

3rd POV

Heather stared down at Marley, her eyes wide as she was pinned to wall, a sword pressed close to her throat.


She exclaimed excitedly as she got out of Marley hold and leaned down and took Marley in her arms.
Marleys sword dropping to her side.

Marley's eyes were wide, she didn't know if she was still sleeping and this was all a dream.

She could feel that small sting of pain as Heather hugged her in her shoulders and smiled slightly as she realized that this was real.

She dropped her sword and hugged back.
Smiling weakly as she let herself be held by her mate.

Marley looked around as Heather let go only to be hugged again by another familiar pair of arms.
Lea hugged her tightly as soon as Heather let go.

Marley winced slightly but didn't let Lea know that, she wanted to let her hug her as long as she wanted.

She was just glad to be with them.

Once Lea finally let go, Marley looked over and saw a group of guards with the two. She frowned slightly and asked,

"Where's Demitri?"

"She and the others are outside, dealing with the other men."

Lea said


Marley asked

"Ambree and Zion came as well"

Marley simply nodded.

"Are you well enough to walk?"

Heather asked she now noticed Marleys condition, her hands formed into fists as she saw the way Marley was treated.

Marley nodded

"I can walk but not fast,"

"Since we have you we can meet the others outside, the other guards are leading the men outside to hopefully trap them and get them to surrender"

Heather said as she began walking the guards following.

Marley let herself be carried by Lea who offered to hold her so she would not hurt herself more.

Marley closed her eyes and leaned her head onto Lea's shoulder and let her body rest in the arms of her mate.

She didn't care how she looked at the moment, she just wanted the warmth.
Eventually Marley heard doors open and she looked up seeing that they were now outside, the night sky still on full display.

Marley heard her name being called as she was let down, she stood on the ground and smiled a little upon seeing her third mate.

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