Chapter 18

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( Marley and Ambree's party outfits in the pic above)
3rd POV
After Heather left she immediately went back to her room to tell the other two what had happened.

The other two listened intently as Heather spoke fondly of Marley.

Heather also pointed out that Marley was going to be in attendance at the party later that evening to which Lea almost chocked on air upon hearing that Marley will be at the party.

In all honesty they were all surprised that she was going to be there but then again she didn't leave Ambree unless it was for food or meetings.

The three decided to finally get ready and try and put their nerves aside and focus of the main goal which was to better their kingdoms relationships.

Marley was in her room thinking of what she wanted to wear, it was a formal event so she would need to wear something else besides her warriors outfit, also the queens were going to be there and for whatever reason made Marley extra careful as to what she was going to wear.

She could ask Ambree for a dress but then it would be to big on her, and Marley herself didn't have any dresses. She had about three hours until the party started when she got an idea.

Marley proceeded to walk over to Ambrees room, she knocked and walked in,

"hey can I borrow one your dresses for tonight?"

Marley asked

"Are you sure they might be to big on you?"

Ambree responded,

"I'm gonna modify it to fit me, also it's not gonna be a dress when I'm finished,"

Marley explained.

"So your going in a suit?"

Asked Ambree
"Yeah I find the outfit more comfortable than a dress also it would take longer to modify the dress to fit me than just cut and sew some pieces into a suit of my own liking,"

Ambree smiled at Marleys response she knew Marley preferred more masculine clothing like suits over dresses and it never bothered Ambree, she also though about the three queens,

they would surely like to see Marley in a suit

Ambree thought to herself.

"Alright then you can use this one, it's a little to tight anyways,"

Ambree then handed Marley a dress from her closet, it was deep red dress, and a pretty piece  of clothing,

"Thank you,"

Marley said

"Oh it's no problem and besides this way we can match it'll be cute,"

it was now that Marley noticed another red dress hanging on the bathroom door and a small rose bracelet next to it for Ambree to wear.

"Hear you can wear this so we can really match,"

said Ambree in a cheery voice, almost like an excited child. She handed Marley a rose hair pin similar to her bracelet.

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