Chapter 8

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(Marleys dragon in the pic above)

Marleys POV

I don't really know why I stayed behind before following Ambree to our rooms but I could still feel the gaze of the three queens.

I could feel it mostly all night but maybe that was cause I was nervous.

The servant seemed like a fairly nice person I also don't know why I showed my face to him and no one else but no one else could see me so it wasn't that big of a deal.

I really don't care if people see my face or not I just don't want everyone starting at me at once like earlier when we first walked in.

The servant seemed shocked to see me I'm at first I didn't realize until when we arrived to our rooms.

I went to my mirror and my pupils were slit,

(like dragon eyes).

I could tell it was because of my dragon. I haven't let her out in a couple of days so she was probably just trying to give me a hint.

My dragons full name is Nara Drakaina.

But I called her Nina for short.

My dragon in a full size was really big but she could change her size if she wanted to so she could be smaller.

The difference between me and other shifters is that I can not only shift into a dragon but my dragon and I can become two separate beings so I can detach my dragon from my body.

I typically do it to let her fly around cause she likes flying at night and I would much rather sleep.

Though I go with her every once in while.
Anyways I took my hood off and my cloak.

My hair in a low ponytail. I took of my cloak, got into some more comfortable clothes, took my hair down and got into bed.

I was able to sleep relatively easily since the day was long and I was tired.

Though my mind would still not leave the thought of the three queens or their voices.

My face turned a light shade of pink. I didn't understand why I was feeling this way or why my body was reacting this way.

Perhaps I can ask Ambree about this tomorrow she'll probably know.

As soon as I closed my eyes. I opened them again, only this time my once dark room was filled with a warm sunlight poring in through the window near my bed.

I looked around my room It was a good size and it had good spacing. The furniture was comfortable, it was nice.

Esteban was definitely I nice place.

I got ready in some clothes. I wore a blue shirt with a dragon symbol on the back with its tail wrapping around the shoulders.

The shirt was tucked into my pants and I put my pants on and put a belt around it as well as my sword holder.

Though this time it was smaller cause I only brought a small knife. A sword wasn't really needed.

I put my hair into a high pony and tied it up on my head so that way it was up and out of my face.

I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling satisfied I put my shoes on and pulled the door open.

My room was close to Ambrees so I made my way over to her room.

I knocked and heard a faint

"come in,"

from the other side so I walked in. I closed the door behind me as I walked in and looked around the room.

Ambrees room was similar to mine only she had her dress from the night before hanging on her couch and some of jewelry on her vanity.

Ambree walked out of the washroom and smiled upon seeing me.

"Up and early I see,"

"I didn't know what we were doing today so I got up early, but your up early too,"

I countered back. Ambree chuckled lightly and said,

"well I'm just so excited."

"Do you by any chance know what we're doing today?"

I asked Ambree.

"I asked an advisor yesterday, you were to busy admiring some  painting to hear but they think that they'll have breakfast and give us a tour of the palace.
They also plan on having a meeting about the borders and how to agree on who gets what land.
We don't have many issues but I think I'll go, it'll be good experience for me.
But I did ask about a place for training and they said that they have several training areas and some arenas to practice in.
They also have all types of weaponry so you can go practice while I go to the meeting I know it's not really your thing."

"Ambree  said,

"You'll be alright by yourself?"

I asked,

"I've got lots of people to keep me company and besides I know you like training so go ahead have some fun. I'll have someone come get you when we're done."

I nodded and made my way out of her room. I looked around and found a servant in the hallway. I asked him for some directions to the training grounds and made my way over.

Not many people were up yet so it was me and some workers in the hallway.

I made my way down to the training area fairly quickly, picked a sword and began.

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