Chapter 34

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3rd POV
Eventually the peaceful morning ended and the queens had meetings and other duties to attend too.

They bid Marley farewell after dropping her off at her room and sadly walked away.

Neither one wanted to part with the other.
Marley watched them as they walked down the hall.
Once they were out of eye sight she walked back into her room.

She sighed loudly upon closing the door behind her.
She was away from the queens for like a minute and she already missed them.

Eventually Marley stopped sulking and tried to find things to do to try and get her mind off of the queens.

She would see them again later anyways.
Instead of training Marley decided to distract herself with books.

She made her way to the library.
Once she walked in she was astonished to see all of the books.

Ambrees kingdom has a large library in their palace but it was nothing compared to this one.

Marley didn't even know how to comprehend where to start.

After about thirty minutes of walking around Marley found a book to her liking.

She sat on a couch close to where she was and let her mind wander.

She was so entranced with the book that she didn't even realise who walked in about two hours later.


Upon hearing her name Marley curiously looked up only to drop the book from her hands.

She gasped as she saw who was in front of her.
She immediately stood up and ran over to hug him.


Marley laughed as she hugged her friend.
Zarren smiled upon seeing his best friend and hugged her back.

"It's been so long how have you been?"

Marley asked as she let go of Zarren.

"I'm doing well, and you?"

"I'm doing good, things have been going well here,"

"That's nice, oh! By the way have you seen Ambree?"

Marley smirked at Zarren when he asked.
Ambree and Zarren used to date each other about three years ago but decided to take a break when they found out that Zarren had to leave.

He was to be officially crowned and become king of his country.

He was going to be gone for two years and would live on the other side of the world.

A distance the two weren't sure were going to work.
They both decided that it would be better if they took a break.

Neither one wanted to but they both knew why it was better idea.

Even if they wanted to send letters it would take almost three months to receive and that distance was not very suitable.

Marley knew that Ambree had still liked Zarren,
She would talk about him occasionally and be reminded of her happy days in the past.

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