Chapter 23

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3rd POV
Marley thought about the words Demitri had spoken to her.

She felt as if she had realized something she hadn't before.

Marley was uneasy however at the possible freling of her emotions. If it was love or at least in that same category then Marley would surely be in trouble.

Not only were the three queens but they were all three mates.

Marley knew that the three were mates. Ambree enjoyed telling her the tales of the warewolf belief in a soul partner.

Marley never really understood but then again she was a different supernatural so she didn't understand what mates really were except that they typically involved love between partners.

Marley wanted desperately to get rid of these feelings.


she couldn't love them.

They were queens, and she was not.

They were mates and she was not.

She thought back to Demitri's words. Still confused by them, she recalled what she had said.

'I promise to explain everything soon, and you will no longer be confused'

What did she really mean?

Marley thought to herself the possibilities of the result to her words, though nothing rational came up.

With her inner turmoil the group made their way back to the palace.

Ambree had noticed the change in Marley but decided against asking while the three were present.

Once they reached the palace they all walked out of the carriages and went inside. At this time the sun began going down and the moon and stars lit up the night sky.

Marley made her way quickly to her room, she didn't say a word on her way up, which worried Ambree more.

Sure Marley was quiet to strangers but to Ambree she likes to talk, so she took her silence as a sign of unease.

Ambree decided after about 20 minutes of waiting to go and talk to her friend to try and clear the air, but once she got to her door their was a note nailed to the wooden frame.

I am out on a flight. I will return later if i I am needed.

Ambree furrowed her brows at the paper.

Marley always made it a priority to tell Ambree personally or at least leave a personal note to let the other know that she was going to go flying.
Ambree and Marley had a close bond.

They were trusted friends, they knew everything about the other, including a change in behavior.

It was easy to see that Marley was upset.

Ambree decided to go and ask the three queens about it.

They were after all the cause of it, even if Ambree didn't know that.

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